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Intuition, Cancer & Miracles

The diagnosis of cancer is the first step on a journey of trials and challenge. But what if the cancer experience could become a spiritual pilgrimage - the doorway to a season of growth and renewal? In her uplifting new book, Intuition, Cancer & Miracles, Sara Wiseman shares her journey with cancer and shows how spiritual awakening and healing are always with us. Along with her story, Sara invites readers to directly experience the transformative power of the meditations she used to create healing in her own body. Intuition, Cancer & Miracles is an insightful resource for anyone with cancer and for those who provide support.

Check it out now!

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Create Miracles and Joy in Your Life

I have found that applying these principles consistently creates a life of miracles and joy. When starting to focus on something that you desire to create, invite your intentions to have surprisingly positive results. Be open to the delightfully unexpected. View the physical world as delicate and changeable—and the spiritual world as solid, strong, real, and constant. Spirit is the foundation from which to change the physical. Positive manifestation power is enhanced by positive energy. The highest quality and most powerful energy is a loving heart. So live in wide-open-hearted gratitude, compassion, and praise of yourself, all others, and the…

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Ashton Aiden

Need a Miracle? Look Within!

The most basic and fundamental truth of our existence is a miracle... Our very reality is founded upon goodness, love, peace, and joy... This is what we are to our core. The very source of our existence has come from this goodness, and this is truly all that exists. This also means that the negativity we experience in life, whether it be fear, anxiety, sorrow, or anger, is only an illusion. Though this may seem far removed from the experience that most people are having in their life right now, it is possible for anyone and everyone to have an…

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You Can Find Miracles In Every Day!

75 trillion. That's approximately how many cells there are in the human body. Each one of them is performing millions of teeny tiny miracles a day. Why do I call these miracles? Consider, your heart knows which direction to pump your blood. Your lungs know how to take in air and distribute oxygen. Your intestines know how to extract nutrients from food and pass them into your bloodstream. All of these things happen without your ever having to think about it. Many of us don't even know which organs are where, let alone understand how all of this happens. We…

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8 Beliefs to Launch Your New Worldview

You have all the tools you'll ever need to solve any challenge or climb any mountain you truly desire within you right now. It's just a question of which you and which worldview you decide to create. Therefore, it's always up to you to choose the kind of world you wish to live in, and the kind of ideals you wish to practice each day. As you continue on your journey, consider how the following core beliefs may be used to create your own new worldview: You are Divine, born in a state of eternal, natural grace which you have…

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Don’t Believe in Miracles? Take a Look in the Mirror

Look into the mirror... There are over seven billion people on this planet, but only one of you. You are a mathematical enigma. Take a look at your fingerprint, the one-of-a-kind pattern is whispering to you, reminding you that there is nothing that comes close to you on this planet. The chances of your ancestors meeting, your grandparents meeting, your parents meeting, and your conception and birth are so miraculous they may as well be impossible. If you have never believed in miracles, you have forgotten that you are a miracle! Look up to the stars... You are destined for…

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Use Your Pain to Find Awakening

The view through my lens is that we human beings, regardless of race or religion, hold a deep longing that is fundamentally one and the same. The differences we see with our body's eyes are the great humor of Life. Our deepest desire is to have a true, intimate experience of living. And we are often led to that deepest experience by some inexplicable pain. Indeed, our moments of loss and despair smooth the rough edges of ego and create an opening in the heart for growth and self-discovery, forging inner faith. In the words of Nobel Peace Prize nominee…

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Anna Cuevas

Turn Your Challenge into Triumph

What would you do if you came face to face with death and then received a miracle? Miracles often make themselves known when we face life's challenges. Life is a journey. Sometimes it's fast and exciting; at other times, it can be trying and painful. It is through the hard times that we grow and realize the people and causes that bring us the greatest fulfillment. It is during these times that we have an opportunity to see our life through a different lens, one that brings us closer to our true purpose and reveals different perspectives and priorities. I…

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19 Lessons for Leaving a Notable Legacy

What I have learned in my life and career as a Registered Nurse Entrepreneur is that life is fragile and can change in an instant..... 1. Enjoy life, this is not a dress rehearsal. 2. Create your own positive events to nourish your mind. Even the strong require sustenance to survive, especially when they aid the weak. 3. Do not expect miracles, rely on them. We have all seen turnarounds from positive life steps and direction. 4. Things are not always what they appear to be on the surface. Investigate. Evaluate your perceptions. 5. Fight back against injustice to yourself…

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Your Inner Guidance System & The Puzzle of Life

When I was homeless and struggling with everything from self-esteem to survival, I ignored my intuition and the inspiration it offered. I couldn't believe that some part of me was connected to a wiser source and was trying to guide me. Because I have free will, I could ignore the internal signals. And as long as I did, I suffered. What I learned is that everyone has an internal guidance system. We can get quiet, tune in, and feel our way through life. The more we listen and obey the inner callings, the better life is for each of us…

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How You Can Embrace Your Spiritual Self

One moment we're asleep... the next, we wake up. That Divine alarm clock starts buzzing and blaring, and the next thing you know it, you're having a consciousness shift, an unexpected heart opening, a knock-your-socks off wake up call - whether you're ready or not. For many of us, it's the darkest hours that lead us to the dawn. My own personal spiritual awakening was the result of some grim years indeed: a near death experience followed by PTSD, followed by the death of my father, followed by a divorce. Whew! And yet, at this very lowest point in my…

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Your Miracle is Here… You!

In our high tech culture today, where we have the capacity to send emails, create iPhones, build airplanes, harness nuclear and solar energy, we seem to have lost touch with a power far greater. The power of Life. The power of the SOUL. The power of our very own Infinite nature. Up until now MIRACLES have been left to special saints, gurus, and chosen masters. Miracles have become some far out and unusual experience rather than a natural experience in our everyday living. In our scientific world, everything needs to make sense and be logical. We seem to have lost…

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From Victim to Victor

We all know the story of the man who was trapped in a flood, who refused a ride out of town before the storm, then also refused a canoe, a motorboat and finally a helicopter, saying, "I'll wait, God will save me". The story tells us that when the man drowned and met God, he asked, "Why didn't you save me?", to which God answered, "I sent you a car, a canoe, a motorboat and even a helicopter. What more were you waiting for?" The reason I share this story with you today is to ask, what are you waiting…

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Joyful Woman

The 3 Secrets to Living a Life Filled with Miracles

Do you believe that miracles are real? Would you like to put the possibility to the test? Marci Shimoff, the #1 NY Times best-selling author and world-renowned happiness expert, has partnered with bestselling author and success expert Debra Poneman to bring you a powerful FREE online seminar, The 3 Secrets to Living a Life Filled with Miracles.  For over 30 years, both Marci and Debra have been giving people all over the world the knowledge and tools to create powerful daily miracles. During this LIVE online seminar, they will tell you exactly how to create the miracles you'd like to manifest, so be…

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