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In our high tech culture today, where we have the capacity to send emails, create iPhones, build airplanes, harness nuclear and solar energy, we seem to have lost touch with a power far greater. The power of Life. The power of the SOUL. The power of our very own Infinite nature.

Up until now MIRACLES have been left to special saints, gurus, and chosen masters. Miracles have become some far out and unusual experience rather than a natural experience in our everyday living.

In our scientific world, everything needs to make sense and be logical. We seem to have lost touch with our capacity for awe, innocence, wonder. Increasingly, we have become disconnected from the flow, from our true source, to the point where we are more surprised when so called out of the ordinary things occur, that we call these miracles. Yet, miracles are available to us each moment.

Times are changing now. The miracle workers simply reflect to us our own highest potential within. They are simply mirroring to us our real selves. They live beyond the mind, and are in tune with Life, and are thus lived by life. And life works through them.

When you live in the mind you limit yourself to the known, based on the past experiences rather than the infinite possibilities of life. When you go beyond the mind, you access a field of pure potentiality and in this space life can unfold effortlessly through you.

It is our time now.

When you are in tune with yourself, miracles happen, as an effortless by-product. Then it is impossible to not experience miracles. Miracles become your natural state. The way it is. Living a miraculous life becomes your new norm.

It is time to stop merely worshiping the great ones but to embrace, accept and dare to step into our own magnificence and Divinity. It is time that we humbly recognize that, that which we are projecting is what we actually are. What you are able to see in another is that which you are already. When you are able to acknowledge your true SELF, you realize the living miracle that you are, and the possibilities are endless. Then infinite creative intelligence will rise to meet you in a co-creative dance.

With all the many changes going on in our world today: old systems collapsing, and old paradigms evolving. So many folks are feeling a sense of fear and instability. Many seem to be blaming, finger pointing, ranting and wondering when someone is going to come and fix it all for us. Well guess what?

No one’s coming… because YOU are already here.

The government isn’t coming. Your parents aren’t going to rescue you. The aliens aren’t coming. The white knight on the horse isn’t coming.

You are the ONE. You are the one that you have been looking for. You are the miracle that you have been seeking.

When you reclaim your power and accept it, you open yourself to another level of power, which sometimes can be SCARY to realize how powerful we really are. We often run from it, and pretend to be light bulbs when we really are the sun. We try to run from our own Divinity. But we can never. When you embrace your own innate Divinity and move beyond victimhood then you become co-creators and no longer have any excuses.

I have had the opportunity to travel to many amazing sites and wonders of the world. All these wonders pale in comparison to the power, beauty and realness of your SPIRIT. You are formless, without shape, size, color, or name. Fire cannot touch you, wind cannot extinguish you, water can wet you. You have no price tag. Your SPIRIT is infinite and Free.

The real wonder of the world is not the pyramids, Angkor Wat, Niagara Falls, the Himalayas, the Taj Mahal, but YOU. You are it and the miracle is You.

When you awaken to this, there is no need to go anywhere. No need to achieve anything. You are the miracle of BEING that is alive now.

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Kute Blackson is utterly unique in the world of human potential and life- coaches. Unlike those who promise to simply help people “get” what they want, Kute’s work instead reveals to people what they have to give, by liberating who they are most truly and deeply. The focus: Freedom.
Kute’s own background and experience lays out the blueprint for his approach to liberating others. Born in Ghana, West Africa, his multicultural upbringing as the child of a Japanese mother and Ghanaian father, raised in London, and on 4 different continents, whilst now living in Los Angeles, defies all stereotype.
He’s also personally lived out the reality of challenging the expectations of others. The son of a revered spiritual leader, Kute was speaking to his father’s congregations, in more than 300 churches, by the age of 8. At the age of 14, he was ordained into his father’s ministry and groomed to carry on the family’s spiritual legacy. But his heart-truth drew him to another path: to come to Los Angeles. Here, he became proficient in a number of modalities and today works with leaders from all walks of life, offering his own uniquely powerful process for transforming lives from the inside-out.
Kute’s fluency in media keeps him connected to Gen X, Gen Y and beyond. He has hosted his own weekly radio show on KYPA 1230 AM, in addition to making regular television appearances. His book “Live your wow” is set for release in 2009, and he is currently is developing a television talk-show for national distribution. Today, the venue for his message may be one-on-one, a vast stadium setting, a corporate seminar or anything in-between. His electrifying presentations are especially sought out by major companies, seeking to redefine their paradigm of success, and inspire greatness. Kute is also known for creating the revolutionary immersion “Liberation Experience”, where he travels with an individual client, one-on-one, across India, for 14 days. “On the Liberation Experience, I am with the participant 24-hours a day. Not only do they have no idea where they are going, they carry no money, and have no immediate identity, since I also hold their passport. A single change of clothes is their only tenuous thread to the life they left behind. It is an experience guaranteed to shatter every paradigm”.

Kute says “Having had the opportunity to work with everyone ranging  from: entrepreneurs, moms, rock stars, salespeople, politicians, children, plumbers, plastic surgeons, and circus performers, it is such bliss for me to assist people in transforming their lives. I feel honored to be able to serve people in remembering who they really are, and live lives that are works of art.  My vision is to assist people in living the wild free-fall that is life, with arms wide  open, living each moment completely fresh, and alive. To dare you to pick up the  instrument that is your heart and play it fully”.

He is a new voice for a new generation.

For more information, please visit

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