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Sometimes life is hard but it can still be filled with joy and happiness. You may not always get what you think you want, but when you grow older and look back on your life, you will see that you got what you needed. The pieces will begin to slip together in an awe-inspiring manner.

While we all strive to find happiness, we must also accept that there is a natural ebb and flow to it and that when we experience hard times, those trials allow us to experience more profound joy. We cannot have one without the other, so sink deeply into bliss and use sorrow to enhance your appreciation of all joys.

To fully appreciate the happiness in our lives, we must teach ourselves to open up to it. We must learn to cherish the moments as we live them. Happiness is all around us but we must train our brains to see what it is we seek. And, we have total control over how we do this.

Should we find ourselves in a state of desperation, we can find comfort knowing that the mere state of desperation opens us up to new solutions. When we have exhausted all resources and feel we have nowhere else to go, desperation gifts us with the opportunity to surrender to new ideas, new emotions, new actions, and change out of nothing other than necessity. Without desperation, the hand of change would seldom take ours to lead us somewhere new.

This glorious life you have been gifted is completely yours to design. Life is full of choices but they all belong to you. You must accept full responsibility for your life and understand that only when you are absolutely true to your heart’s desire, can you access your power source fully. You came here to fulfill a purpose, if you do not know what that is yet, let your emotions guide you. They are well in tune with your thoughts, even the ones buried deep within you that may never have been spoken out loud. Follow your intuition and let it escort you, because it knows what your purpose is. It is pushing you gently towards authenticity and bliss but you need to pay attention.

Accept responsibility for your thoughts and your mindsets – the good ones and the bad ones. Accept responsibility for your emotions and listen carefully to what they tell you about your life as you live it. Finally, accept responsibility for your actions and do your best to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions from the head down and the heart out. Remember, it is never too late to adjust your sails and change direction.

When you come across fear, pay attention to its message but understand that when paired with action, you can create confidence in the void that once held nothing but uncertainty and anxiety about what might be next. Be brave. Be Bold. You have one life — what are you going to do with it?

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Jennifer Sparks (B.Ed., M.S., PGD, CPT) is an Ironman triathlete, teacher, single mother, certified personal trainer, and lifestyle coach. A self-proclaimed personal development junkie, Jennifer turned to acquiring the strategies and tools she needed to move from a life of being overwhelmed and unhappy to a life filled with happiness and joy. Her journey took ten years and included some major setbacks. It was during the darkest moments that she learned to dig deep and live strategically so that she could upgrade her life and happiness. She is convinced our most challenging times teach us our greatest lessons.

In her bestselling book, WTF to OMG: The Frazzled Female's Guide to Creating a Life You Love, she shares her ten-year journey and strategies for moving through hard times. In Happy on Purpose she focuses on what happy people do differently and shares her own habits for happiness. She is also host of her own radio show, GET HAPPY NOW on

While Jennifer continues to teach she also is passionate about sharing her message with others. Online courses, coaching events, and resources can be found at her website, invites all of you to connect with her on her social media networks and her website.

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Comments (14)

  1. Jennifer, I’ve been trying to follow my bliss for a long time now. I appreciate your thoughtful words that reinforce my desire to continue on that path. Hope this comment finds you well. I’m thinking about changing my title to “Prosperity Cartographer” helping people Map their way to independence. What do you think? All the Best , Bob

  2. Well, I hope I am on my way to experience the blissful life so many have shared about. After many years of trying to “fix, manage and control” and trying to make sense of things that should never make any sense at all, I believe I have finally reached a turning point. Or at least, I hope I have. Jennifer, thank you so very much for reminding me that I carry full esponsibile for my life. Why is this so easy to forget sometimes? Especially when some of my life choices have left me with some pretty nasty consequences. I guess it is always easier to blame others for our misfortunes ;(

    On a side note: I recently stumbled across this website over the holidays and so glad I did. I feel blessed for the hope and inspiration I have found here. Thank you 🙂

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