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Your Greatest Responsibility

Perhaps the most important thing I have learned in this extraordinary life is that we are responsible for our own happiness. It is not determined by anything outside of ourselves even though it often appears to be. The rich can be miserable ("Oh, I'm so unhappy. I wanted Johnson to drive me to Tiffany's in the Lamborghini but now I have to go in the stupid Rolls. How awful.") And the poor can be joyful ("Ah, there is enough food for the whole family this year. We are so blessed.") With that reality we have tremendous power; we can stop…

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The New CEO of Your Destiny

You're the CEO of Your Destiny. I spent a lot of time waiting. I waited for my career to get me more prestige. I waited for more money. I waited for job security to keep me happy. I waited for Human Resources to give me even more training to equip me with more. One day, I fired whoever had been in charge of my life up until that point, and I hired a new CEO. Me. This wasn't easy. You see, the old CEO had also hired an Inner Critic. (I learned about such things from a book called Self Esteem,…

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Why Perseverance is the Answer

Sometimes to grow and to truly change your life, you have to make difficult choices. To thrive and become better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually often times is painful. You get so comfortable being uncomfortable that you settle for less when you really are destined for greatness. Don't let past mistakes or failures define who you are because your past doesn't dictate what your future will be. When you make your plan of transformation remember to visualize... see the end goal, the end results of success. Map out your storybook of triumph. Whether you start a business or audition for…

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Greg Habstritt

Accepting Responsibility for Where You Are

The greatest power that you hold is the power of choice, because every choice you make dictates every result you get in your life - good or bad. And most importantly, every decision you make starts in your mind. All of us start out with this incredible power, yet so many give it away by refusing to step up and be accountable for their decisions. Sadly, most people choose to be a victim of circumstances and others, and never recognize that they are choosing that position. Look at some of the most successful people in the world, or even those…

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Create Life on Your Own Terms

Imagine a life orchestrated to complement your natural rhythms. A life where your work is your play, and your play is your life. You deserve to be happy, healthy and wealthy. You have permission to create your life on your terms. So instead of putting up with mediocrity, waiting for a knock on the door or an invitation to change, take your life's adventure to heart. The process begins here, now, today. It's time to get moving - to wake up, lift the veil of the status quo, and embrace the richness of a full life! Out of all the…

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3 Magic Moves for Vitality and Creativity

Consider this amazing fact: what you give attention to grows. So no matter where you are right now in your life, if you practice three magic moves, you can expand your vitality and creativity while continuing to open a flow of love and connection with others. The Three Moves 1. Do your best to speak honestly, rather than concealing the truth. When you focus your attention on noticing your body sensations and describing them, sharing your feelings as they arise, and especially sharing what's familiar in any conflict, you immediately open more aliveness in you. You also solve problems more quickly…

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How You Can Change the World

Happiness, health, prosperity and peace, a better world for our children - all of us want these same things in life. I believe that our wish for a harmonious world begins and ends with doing good. This holds the power to positively transform us from the inside and then ripple out in ever expanding circles, impacting the world at large. You can find your place in life by choosing to think good, speak good and do good. Good starts with each one of us as an individual. It's a personal journey filled with opportunities on which you can choose to…

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5 Principles for Uncommon Success

Life is not that complicated, in fact it's fairly simple - not always easy - but fairly simple! When I woke up and realized a life full of uncommon success was not just for other people it was for me too, I began to apply these 5 principles into my everyday life. Awareness - If you don't get it, you can't change it. If you don't acknowledge it, you can't fix it. If you don't own it, you can't improve it. We have to take a good hard look in the mirror, acknowledge where we have room for improvement, recognize where…

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Become Aware

Before you can achieve peace or happiness in your life, you must become aware of yourself. This is never an easy task as it is much easier to recognize the errors of others rather than take responsibility for our own errors. You must become aware of what you say and how you say it. The words you choose, your tone of voice, the expression in your face and eyes. You must become aware of what you do and how you do it. Always pay attention to details, as these are the little things that will make a BIG difference. Honor your word and the promises you…

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Sink Deeply into Bliss

Sometimes life is hard but it can still be filled with joy and happiness. You may not always get what you think you want, but when you grow older and look back on your life, you will see that you got what you needed. The pieces will begin to slip together in an awe-inspiring manner. While we all strive to find happiness, we must also accept that there is a natural ebb and flow to it and that when we experience hard times, those trials allow us to experience more profound joy. We cannot have one without the other, so…

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Are You Creating the Future You Want?

At this very moment, you are creating your future. Some people believe that life just happens and that there is nothing they can do about it. Don't make this mistake. You will limit the abundance that you are meant to have in your life. There are bad things that happen and there are circumstances that cannot be changed. However, in every situation, you can make choices. If you truly want to live a good, authentic and rewarding life, you have to internalize the fact that it is your daily choices that decide how your life will turn out. Each minute…

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5 Ways to Give Your Children High Self-Esteem

What would you be doing right now if you truly believed in yourself? The quality and destiny of our life is greatly determined by our level of self-esteem. If we have a high level of self-esteem, we are more likely to use and develop our many talents. In the same token, if we have low self-esteem, our talents often go undeveloped and we may underachieve. As parents, we want our children to feel good about themselves and feel fulfilled as adults. Here are five things that we can do now that can assure high self-esteem for our children. Celebrate, honor…

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It All Begins With You!

Smile. Not 5 minutes from now or when you feel good enough to, but smile right this second. Notice how you feel? There's a scientific explanation behind that, but we won't get into it right now. There's a lot more to smile about than you're aware of. Whether it's because it's a new day with endless opportunities, the fact that you're alive right now and healthy enough to be reading this, or something as simple as having a great neighbor, you have a reason to smile. Always remember that with everything you do- you have a reason to smile. Love.…

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3 Lessons for Improving Your Life

A few years ago, I was given a glimpse of what eternity must be like: the intense, pure, twirling, dazzling, pale turquoise light I saw during a spiritual healing, behind my closed eyes, penetrated my soul. I wanted to remain in its presence forever. This amazing light represented divine love to me. It confirmed my belief that beyond this world is another realm where all beings go back to the Source we all originally came from. The beliefs I held prior to the episode with the light were profoundly altered that day. I can tell you this: You are fully…

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Choose Your Legacy

You must decide what impact you want to make on the world, what difference you will make, and what legacy you will leave behind. Make sure you do the work, to discover this for yourself and be crystal clear on this! Once you get a level of clarity on it, ACT! Get in the game and start moving in that direction. Be a sponge and learn all that you can that will aid you in achieving your mission/legacy. Know in your heart and believe that it is better to die on your feet, than live on your knees, for the…

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Become Your Best Self

The 'tone' of your life is more often than not a reflection of your current attitudes and beliefs. How is your outlook? It will determine your outcomes. If you want to change the results you're currently getting, then it begins by changing your thoughts, beliefs and viewpoints. Life is what you make it. You can choose to embrace abundance, peace, beauty, and love, and in the process bring more of those things to you. Or you can choose poverty, worry, disgust and hate, and continue through your hating to bring more of it to you. The choice is yours. It…

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20 Lessons for Living

As I’ve gone through my journey in life, I’ve learned a few lessons along the way that I hope to share with you. So here goes. Some life wisdom I’ve picked up along the way from being to stuck, to having gotten off the fence: Your name will stick with you for life. Make sure that name is good - and synonymous with integrity, kindness and truth. You must be a person of your word. This comes back to integrity. Your word must be honorable. You must know what you need, and give it to yourself whenever possible. That means…

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struggling, forcing

When Control is Out of Control

Margie was the best hostess. She greeted everyone at the door. She passed appetizers and offered drinks. Margie ensured that everyone had a good time and that absolutely everything was perfect. The problem was - this was not Margie’s party. She was a guest at the party like everyone else and yet she acted as if she owned the place. Margie is a control freak. She needs to be in charge. She needs to be in control. I used to be like Margie. When I was in the height of my Type-A days, I was a major control freak. I…

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Have You Become a Type A Personality?

The concept of a Type A personality has not been around for long. It was actually identified in the 1950s by two cardiologists, Drs. Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman, who were studying coronary heart disease. They found a link between personality types and heart disease. According to their research, they identified three types of behaviors: Type A, which they labeled as competitive, ambitious, impatient, aggressive, and fast-talking; Type B, which is more relaxed and non-competitive; and Type C, which is hardworking, but becomes apathetic when faced with stress. Those considered Type A were more prone to having high blood pressure,…

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