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You must decide what impact you want to make on the world, what difference you will make, and what legacy you will leave behind. Make sure you do the work, to discover this for yourself and be crystal clear on this!

Once you get a level of clarity on it, ACT! Get in the game and start moving in that direction. Be a sponge and learn all that you can that will aid you in achieving your mission/legacy.

Know in your heart and believe that it is better to die on your feet, than live on your knees, for the time you have on this earth. Never give up! Get back up on your feet when things don’t go your way and build the character you were born with, for it is how many times you get back up that determines your character and success. If you give up, you are not on purpose, and need to go back and refine your why and add distinctions to the legacy you are committing yourself to.

Serve others in a way you want to be served and you will tap into new levels of inspiration and love you have only ever heard about. Stretch yourself and know there is always more to give, more to learn, more to be and more to experience.

Find out what you’re passionate about and just live it. Don’t worry about what other people think. This is your life, your legacy and your CHOICE to be the best you, that you can be!

Discover what your core values are, live into them with very breath and have the courage to share them and live into them in every way you can. Determine and etch in stone what you are a stand for, and ensure that when you leave a person’s space, they feel the power and are inspired by what you stand for and pursue in life.

It will be scary living this way as you will be a rare breed. BUT, it is a fight worth fighting! Face your fears, as when you are either scared or excited, you are making a great decision. Just do it! Your confidence will grow more and more each time and this is what feeds you to be brilliant, courageous, inspiring and in love.

Please understand and believe that money does not solve your problems, it only helps you arrive to them in style. So focus on what is important, connecting relationships full of unconditional love and care that make the other person shine into their brilliance.

The best way to do this and be truly successful, is ALWAYS take ownership and responsibility for EVERYTHING that happens to you. That way, you always have the ability to choose a different result and feel empowered to create the change you want.

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Trent knows how to build 7-figure businesses that support what truly matters in life, particularly family. Having been raised in a single parent household until the age of 7, he was later influenced by his committed entrepreneurial mother. Trent became very aware of the importance of creating wealth as a pathway to balancing his love of training and leadership with time for his family and personal passions.

Having watched the life of an employee during his childhood, Trent sought out mentors and coaches from the age of 19. Since then, he has pursued living his "envisioned" life. He has worked in 11 different industries in every position from shovelling dirt in mines to CEO of multi-million dollar businesses on 4 continents.

Trent’s core value of "practice what you preach" had him found and run five of his own businesses with four successes and one failure. Knowing he wanted more exposure and experience, he began coaching literally hundreds of businesses to generate 7-figures. Through hard work and a spirit of "how can I serve you", Trent has trained global franchise entities and internal business teams around the world. He has presented to conference audiences and groups of SME businesses all around Australia. He has also worked one-on-one with extremely committed clients. Trent founded Your Wealthy Heart inside his commitment to share his 7-figure formula with committed entrepreneurs around the world.

Trent operates with a "family first" attitude. He lives in a beautiful coastal town of New South Wales with his wife, three children and extended family. Trent is dedicated to his vision of "building self-worth in all people through inspiration and education" as he truly knows that this element determines who creates 7-figure wealth.

For more information, please visit

Comments (1)

  1. Good Morning Trent,
    How does one get “their level of clarity?” I know the impact that I want to make but the avenue escapes me. How does one discover their avenue?

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