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The Courage To Follow Your Heart

During my 61 years on this earth, I have learned that living life successfully requires great courage and risk. While I think I always knew this simple truth, I didn't find the courage to follow my dreams until I was 48. And I have never looked back! My life today reflects the dreams that I had 50 years ago, when I was 11 years old. I wouldn't have the life I have today had I not taken the risk--learning from the turtle that you only make progress when you stick your neck out. We are continually faced with great opportunities…

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5 Tips to Improve Your Life

#1: A lack of empathy creates most of the world’s problems. When you have empathy for yourself, you’re able to have it for other people. Without empathy, we become products of violence, addiction, deceit, disease, and heartbreak. Everything in life is about relationships – your relationship with yourself, others, and a higher power. The healing and nurturing you do with yourself (often with the help of a trained professional) directly reflects the love you give and receive from others. #2: You create your own reality. If you can see it in your mind, you can create it in physical reality!…

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Overcoming Fear

Fear is a very real emotion that can render us powerless. It can make us choose what we believe will keep us safe, even when the opposite is true. It can make us believe that we can't do it, we are wrong, the cost is too high, the path ahead too difficult. But every time you choose fear, you lose sight of your highest aspirations and fall prey to being controlled by your history instead of rising to the future you desire and deserve. In Debbie Ford's course Overcoming Fear, you'll learn 14 key lessons to help you overcome fear by uncovering it, understanding it, and ultimately embracing it by finding its gifts. Plus, each lesson's guided meditation will help you directly access your inner wisdom, resulting in tangible action steps to help you take the steps to living a courageous life.

Enroll in Overcoming Fear!

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5 Choices that Will Change Your Life

We can choose to grow habits of the mind and the heart that will guide us naturally to love and service. We can blossom through presence and good mental habits to awaken our authentic spirit. Love is the common denominator. Love is the universal energy of the universe. The human condition is enduring; adversity will forever ascend. The impact of adversity can be an insidious virus or rich nourishment for our souls. We can choose to use adversity as nourishment to awaken our authentic spirit. Our authentic spirit is our love, which we are, and our service, how we act.…

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Improve Your Attitude, Improve Your Life!

Changing and improving our attitude can help us change the way we see and do things. I have learned that a positive mental attitude is far more important than aptitude to succeed in life. I also learned that it is not easy at first because we all have been conditioned since we were born to see and do things and in many cases to think a certain way. But with practice we can improve our attitude. Here are my top ten tips to build and maintain a positive mental attitude: 1. Stay away from negative and pessimistic people. 2. Do…

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Finding the Courage Within You

When my publisher asked me a few years ago what I wanted the topic of my next book to be, I told him that I wanted to write a book about courage and confidence. So many people have come into my seminars and trainings over the last 15 years seeking qualities that somehow eluded them. I thought I knew something about courage and that I had something to share. Little did I know how much I had to learn. Faced with a grave cancer diagnosis and a startling health challenge, I learned the true meaning of the words courage and…

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How You Can Be Mindful, Courageous and Adventurous

Compassion, love, courage, patience, kindness, forgiveness and faith. These are basic tenants found in most philosophies, spiritual practices and religions globally. These are also answers to many of the pains that you may experience. Find out the power of these principles through practice. It seems that there is always an opportunity to express one if not all of these in any given situation. In dealing with hardships, pain or confusion it seems that there are always two roads to take – one of faith and love or one of fear. Having a daily practice of some sort allows for mindfulness…

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Live As If It Were Impossible to Fail

Here's what I've learned in 27 years... Family is everything. It is so important that no matter what you do or where you go, keep family at the forefront. In your dealings with all, strive to be the greatest provider of Value - shun the quick profit and maintain integrity. This will bring you much honour, respect and lasting prosperity. There are so many ways in which we are often expected to govern our lives - some of these ways work and make sense; others do not work and do not make sense. The trick is to find the way…

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En-courage Courage!

If there is one piece of advice I would offer you, it's this: never - and I despise using absolute words like "never" - never stop encouraging yourself and others in the pursuit of worthy goals. This advice is inspired by the definition of the word encouragement, which is "to give hope and confidence to." Can you imagine what this world would look like if we were constantly infusing others with hope and confidence? What would this world look like if EVERYONE was walking around with hope and confidence - despite the challenges they face in life? With successful strategies, always…

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Finding Serenity

If you've read any of my books, you've read about the "Serenity Prayer." This is a simple prayer, first used by Reinhold Niebuhr around 1934 and later given, by him, to Bill Wilson for use in Alcoholics Anonymous. This simple prayer became one of the "tools" that saved my life more than once when I was in the early days of my recovery and trying to piece my life back to together. I would recite it every day as a way to keep things in perspective and it has been a great help to me since. There are many times in our life when…

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What Fear Truly Is

Fear is not your enemy. Fear is your friend. Embrace it, welcome it and push past it to find your true destiny that lies waiting for you on the other side. All growth springs forth from venturing out into the unknown. Out there beyond those fateful frontiers of your perceived limits lives your greatness. The infinite possibilities available to you in life lie waiting for you in unchartered territory. You simply have to choose to embark upon that voyage. To get everything you want in life, you must be willing to do something you have never done and be someone…

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From Tragedy To Transformation

I have experienced a life-changing event that almost killed me. I would like to share some lessons I have learned that continue to guide me on my journey through life. Overcoming Obstacles We are all presented with obstacles everyday in many different forms, some big, some small. Obstacles can test and push you and everyone around you to their absolute limit. As with any experience that you have in life, your perception can make all the difference. If you look upon the obstacle as a devastating tragedy that you will never recover from, that is exactly what it will be.…

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Finding the Courage to Be Yourself

I may only be 8 years old, but I have learned a great deal. I've learned that bullying is for losers and losers are just not cool! Writing two books has shown me that I may be young but, I can achieve whatever it is that I put my mind to. If I strive hard and really focus on what it is that I want, I can do it all. I want other kids my age to know that they can do the same things I've done if they put their minds to it. If I had just 500 words…

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5 Ways to Make Every Day Count

My Dad always told me to live each day as if it were my last, and as a child the specter of one's last day always seemed like a remote possibility. But with maturity and experience comes the realization that it's not just about one's last day, but also the lost chances and opportunities in life that should also be seen through a lens of hope and caring. So as you go about your daily chores it's always best to do all you can to make every day count. Be positive and upbeat: We all can find the glass that…

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