A few years ago, I was given a glimpse of what eternity must be like: the intense, pure, twirling, dazzling, pale turquoise light I saw during a spiritual healing, behind my closed eyes, penetrated my soul. I wanted to remain in its presence forever. This amazing light represented divine love to me. It confirmed my belief that beyond this world is another realm where all beings go back to the Source we all originally came from.
The beliefs I held prior to the episode with the light were profoundly altered that day.
I can tell you this: You are fully responsible for the choices you make and the paths you take. There are lessons to be learned along the way and you must share with others what is enhancing the quality of your life. Some of the most important lessons I learned are about the need to express gratitude, the need to forgive, and the need to make happiness our life’s purpose.
The more thankful you are and the more you express your gratitude, the more blessings you will be showered with. Keep a gratitude journal. Write thank you letters to the Father/Mother God, to the Universal Creator. Let your family and friends know how much you appreciate them. Give thanks for being alive, for being healthy, for the sun, for the rain, for the food on your table, give thanks for everything dear.
Learn to forgive yourself for your past errors, and forgive all those who have caused you grief. Holding grudges hurts you more than it does the offender. When you forgive, you will experience a sense of freedom! Forgiveness is healing, it is liberating! When you forgive, your heart overflows with unconditional love.
True, complete happiness must be shared. Happiness belongs to the soul and it depends entirely on how you nurture it. We humans carry the seeds of all happiness: it is a choice we make daily.
One of the major keys to happiness is to live in the now, without regrets of what could have been. Today is the only day that matters. Smile and share your joie de vivre. It will inspire others. Your upbeat disposition will positively impact other people’s life. Use words like “wonderful” “fabulous”, “fantastic” or “outstanding” when asked how you feel. Your happiness will contaminate those on your path.
Because you are co-creator of your destiny, if you want to enjoy abundance in all areas of your life, you must start with the belief that you are attracting into your lives what you desire. It takes discipline, but it’s imperative that you stop thinking about what you fear, and focus on what uplifts your spirits. From that state of mind, it becomes easier to shift your thoughts in the direction of what you hope and expect to manifest.
This I believe: There is a beautiful, loving realm awaiting us when we transition from this lifetime. It is pure bliss, pure delight. It is pure LOVE. The intensity of the light that will surround us when we leave this world will be an expression of how well we have lived.
What awaits us beyond this life is continuity, it is eternity, it is joy.
What an awesome article and advice! Thank you!
Thanks for your kind words, Jason!
Thank you for this fabulous insight – I will surely follow the right path by listening to my heart and like always to God (Mother Nature). She gave us abundance and we people must learn to respect …
Thank you Knut for your comments!
follow your heart, not your fears, sound advice, to which i’d add, listen to the logic
Mimi, your words are outstandind ! It really touched my heart. It’s a great guide ! I would like to listen more from you. Please accept my love and regards.
This is so beautifully put, thank you, as I/we need constant reminders.
I have been aspiring for many years to do all that you have written, and I have.
Especially after having sudden depression and anxiety which was a blessing (not at the time) that I practice all these with pleasure, love, optimism . and gratitude.
Thank YOU for taking the time for all to be enlightened
Good Bless