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Your Extraordinary Quality of Life

There is a reason why you're reading this today. Today is the day you are moving toward what is intended for you. Are you ready to step into your power with courage and absolute faith in your future? Imagine what an extraordinary quality of life you would have if you woke up every day feeling energized, happy for no specific reason, excited about the day ahead and with a big smile on your face! Today I will share with you some of the keys to a balanced, fun-filled, happy life. First and foremost, express how thankful you are for all…

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The Five Steps of Faith

I would like to share The Five Steps of Faith, which have helped me live life as an awakened, powerful woman. For 25 years I suffered from low self-esteem, addiction to alcohol and failed relationships. I was so tied to painful and embarrassing moments that suffering became part of my identity. Every day I woke up consumed with fear, guilt and anxiety over how I would face the future. I had no idea that there was a choice available to me about how I could feel. I was living in a dark hole and I did not know how to…

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Why Life ISN’T Unfair

Life isn't unfair... it is always fair! Now, I can imagine the tremendous leap of faith that embracing this premise might require. We've all posed the question: "Why me? Why do bad things happen to good people? How can a good God allow such injustices to occur?" None of us is immune to seemingly negative occurrences, but life's events become calamities only if we make the conscious decision to make tragedies out of them. The storms in one's life, while they have the potential of creating incapacitating turbulence in the mind, do not have to. We might just as easily…

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Participating in Your Own Rescue

When people ask what I've learned from the experiences in my life I have to smile. What always comes to my mind is faith, accountability, courage, forgiveness and compassion. I have learned perception is everything, And, most of all participating in your own rescue is not an option. It's a necessity. My life has been an amazing adventure from the very beginning. Some may hear my story and say, "How did she survive"? I have gone from the highs and lows of a childhood where I had no idea that my sense of always being different, feeling and seeing so…

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The Courage To Follow Your Heart

During my 61 years on this earth, I have learned that living life successfully requires great courage and risk. While I think I always knew this simple truth, I didn't find the courage to follow my dreams until I was 48. And I have never looked back! My life today reflects the dreams that I had 50 years ago, when I was 11 years old. I wouldn't have the life I have today had I not taken the risk--learning from the turtle that you only make progress when you stick your neck out. We are continually faced with great opportunities…

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Living Intuitively In the Present Moment

My daughter, Raegan, has taught me much on this intricate journey of ours. She has shown me how to love, believe in God, and detach from my anger, fear, and frustration. Her smile and effervescent spirit is the ideal demonstration of perfection in imperfection—she does not allow her fragile, broken body to dim the brilliant light of her soul. We have learned to embrace our world, taking each day as it comes, thankful and blessed to be together, not allowing fears of the future to interfere with our joy of the present moment. We choose to leave our feelings of…

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Returning to Source: Destiny, Faith and Knowing

Know that our destiny is already predetermined. Call it your inherent blue print or your life's map, this was decided long before we ever journeyed here to earth. There is a plan for each and every one of us that it's our destiny and obligation to fulfill. The universal divine wants us to succeed. It's entirely up to us as to how that will look. Your inner voice is your spiritual guide reminding you, constantly, to stay the course. It speaks truth. Are you listening? When we're young our mind and heart are open to "possibility". We naturally gravitate toward…

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Finding the Magic In Life

What does it take to be inspired today, when stress is all around us due to the economy, environment, war and more? To me, it is about being truly grateful on a daily basis and, sometimes a minute-by-minute basis, on those days when you feel you just can't take one more step. Everywhere we turn, there is continued devastation. Every minute, there is a child raped, a person murdered, a rainforest dying, an iceberg melting. But what if we looked at everything, good, bad, or indifferent, and saw the magic? What if we saw things from a different perspective and…

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John Garcia

6 Easy Steps to Reach Your Dream

When I personally set off to visualize a dream or a goal, I use the letters of my name, G.A.R.C.I.A. as a formula or guide to focus my vision in the area I am pursuing. You might try this with your name. Go for it. I visualize my goals. All I have to do is simply recall that as a young boy, I could barely speak English and my education was suffering, and that I worked under the blazing sun for 12-13 hours a day, as a laborer, for 40 cent an hour. I remember that I felt like I…

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Afam Onyema

Take Your First Step

One of my favorite figures from history is President Theodore Roosevelt. He lived an amazing life. He accomplished so many big things - he built the Panama Canal, won a Nobel Peace Prize, started America's national parks system. But he received a great deal of criticism during his lifetime, exactly because he dared to do big things. After his presidency, he gave a speech in response to all of those who had been hollering and sniping at him through the years. In it, he said that "it is not the critic who counts. The credit belongs to the one who…

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How You Can Be Mindful, Courageous and Adventurous

Compassion, love, courage, patience, kindness, forgiveness and faith. These are basic tenants found in most philosophies, spiritual practices and religions globally. These are also answers to many of the pains that you may experience. Find out the power of these principles through practice. It seems that there is always an opportunity to express one if not all of these in any given situation. In dealing with hardships, pain or confusion it seems that there are always two roads to take – one of faith and love or one of fear. Having a daily practice of some sort allows for mindfulness…

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Trusting Your Magnificence

You are a magnificent being. Has anyone told you that lately? Well I'm telling you, you are. How do I know? Let's just say I've had experience in that area. You may not feel like you are a magnificent being, but it's true. Your personality is the outside of you and the magnificent being is the inside of you. All of the components to your personality, the enjoyable ones as well as the not-so enjoyable ones, are those you chose to experience this lifetime. They are what make you unique. A fool discounts them; a wise person works with them,…

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Is Your Attitude Holding You Back?

Most of what I have learned in my few years here on this beautiful planet is to always keeps a positive attitude. Remember that when you are dealing with others. Sometimes you might feel you are a recipient of a bad attitude, but what you have to remember is that while you may be really jovial, they may be facing some kind of problems in their life that is reflecting in their attitude. Remember that this has nothing to do with you. You are not the only one with problems and you should take into consideration other people and their…

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