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Leap Into Your Life!

At every age and every stage of life, we find ourselves in times of great glory or in utter despair. Whether we are toddlers learning to walk or turning 40 or 60, we all have the same experience: the opportunity to risk. To take a leap of faith. To go beyond that which we can see clearly and leap into the life we've imagined. It's our time, every time these moments occur. It is up to us to determine just how we will experience every setback, every win, every frustration and every adversity. Even in the darkest of times, you…

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Fuel Your Gratitude With Faith

Exactly how does that Bible verse go? Is it "in everything give thanks..." or is it "for everything give thanks..."? I have to be honest and tell you that I don't always feel thankful. On nights that homework with my daughter turns into a 3+ hour ordeal, I don't feel thankful. When I was told that my daughter had autism, I didn't feel very thankful. When strangers in stores and restaurants gave us angry stares because my daughter was too loud or too busy for their taste, I felt defensive and angry, but not thankful. God expects us to cycle…

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Trust, Leap, Surrender

Perhaps the most important principles I've learned through the years are the ones that inextricably link life and creativity, the ones that keep me open to the infinite, that help me surrender to the unknowable, that push me beyond the bounds of what I can imagine. I've also learned to be open to the synchronistic and the miraculous, to the numinous and the unseen. I've learned that not everything plays out as I expect. I've learned to trust my intuition above all else...even when that intuition doesn't appear to make sense. If I were a tarot card, I'd be The…

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6 Things You Need for a Fulfilling Life

I have survived cancer four times, two open-heart surgeries and multiple brushes with death over my 46 years. What do I know about life? Or more accurately, what do I think I know? Well, I think I know this. I need love as much as I need air, water and food to survive and flourish. I have to love everyone but you don’t have to like him or her. The closer people are to me, the more love I radiate towards them and the more I accept their presence. Acceptance is the key to serenity. I only control my actions, not…

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Have Faith in Your Next Adventure

Dear fellow human being, You are standing on the shore of your next great adventure, looking out to sea as Columbus did more than 500 years ago. Everyone kept telling him that he would fall off the end of the world and surely die, but he refused to believe them, and he remained true to his convictions. And, he was right! The world is not flat, no matter what anyone tells you. Always set your sail for the far horizon, and embrace the splash of seawater across the bow! Don’t ever drop anchor, because that’s where limits come from. Don't…

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Being Your Authentic Self

My pearls of wisdom are these: have faith, a sense of humor and do something completely random. God will always have your back if you just let Him. Don't take everything so seriously. Bring levity to your life daily because it really is the best medicine. Help a complete stranger if you can, because the blessings will come back to you tenfold and you can impact their life (as well as yours) in a positive way. Whether it's a helpful hint, a smile in passing or giving a kid change at the checkout because Mom didn't quite have enough in…

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Embracing Your Feelings

I may be young, but I have lived through enough challenges and changes to offer up plenty words of wisdom! For starters, feel everything to the fullest, the good and the bad. The bad things like heartbreak or losing a job are going to suck, and hurt! But, if you live that pain you will be able to walk away with your lesson. If we bottle up those feelings, they may come back to haunt us later. So let those feelings come up and run their course. Pay special attention to the hard times because that is where you will learn…

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What I Wish My Mother Had Told Me About Life and Men

We gravitate towards what we contemplate, so believe the best about everyone. Constantly extend grace, kindness and forgiveness to all mankind. Until we know who we are and why we were created, we risk the temptation of allowing other things and other people to define our worth. Feelings can keep us from accomplishing our purpose; since we can't change the way we feel, we have to learn how to change the way we think. God invites us to align our thoughts with His. One of the greatest gaps existing in life is the gap between knowing and doing. To live…

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Learning to be Self-Full in Divine Order

Through my 43 years, I have learned to be comfortable in my own skin by understanding that I must have GOD first in everything I do and say. When I was 34 years, I had a moment of self-discovery. I realized my life was flashing by, and I did not feel complete as a woman. There were many things personally I wanted to accomplish before I settled into a relationship/marriage and have children. But I questioned those ideas - will I ever get married or is marriage in my future? Do I want to get married, and have children? Yes,…

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Why Are We Here?

We are all searching for something that will answer those two questions that lurk within in our thoughts, especially when we are flummoxed by life. Why are we here? What purpose do we serve? In my view, there is a perpetual, yet virtual lock on the true answer, yet we hold the key to unlock the question. We may have trouble arriving at the answers and, despite our best efforts, we never get the answer we seek. Despite our struggle, we must persevere. Each of us fulfills a divine purpose that was etched out fully by our creator, long before…

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Your Extraordinary Quality of Life

There is a reason why you're reading this today. Today is the day you are moving toward what is intended for you. Are you ready to step into your power with courage and absolute faith in your future? Imagine what an extraordinary quality of life you would have if you woke up every day feeling energized, happy for no specific reason, excited about the day ahead and with a big smile on your face! Today I will share with you some of the keys to a balanced, fun-filled, happy life. First and foremost, express how thankful you are for all…

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The Five Steps of Faith

I would like to share The Five Steps of Faith, which have helped me live life as an awakened, powerful woman. For 25 years I suffered from low self-esteem, addiction to alcohol and failed relationships. I was so tied to painful and embarrassing moments that suffering became part of my identity. Every day I woke up consumed with fear, guilt and anxiety over how I would face the future. I had no idea that there was a choice available to me about how I could feel. I was living in a dark hole and I did not know how to…

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Remembering a Leap of Faith

Today is the first full day of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, celebrated in the Jewish religion. Many of you may be asking, "What is Hanukkah?" According to Wikipedia, Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the re-dedication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE. Hanukkah commemorates the "miracle of the container of oil". According to the Talmud, at the re-dedication, there was only enough consecrated olive oil to fuel the eternal flame in the Temple for one day. Miraculously, the oil…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Support My Suffering Sibling?

"My sister is going through a very difficult time in her life with her daughter who is suffering with depression and her son who has a fatal disease. She is usually a very strong character (type A personality). What kind of support or resources can I give her? We just lost our mom and I feel that she may be suffering with depression as well. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks." ~ Pauline, Canada Dear Pauline, I am so sorry that your sister is in the midst of so much grief in her life right now. I'm sure she feels…

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