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Learn how belief and trust can change your life and let you live the life of your dreams in this interview with Jim Phillips.

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Jim is a highly respected business leader, entrepreneur, certified life/spiritual coach and inspirational speaker. For the better part of 30 years he has inspired others to higher levels of understanding and achievement through workshops and presentations throughout the United States and parts of Europe resulting in richer, fuller, more rewarding life experiences.

Most recently his passion is the exploration and application of spiritual law as it applies to prosperity and overall quality of life which has resulted in the writing and publishing of his new book, The Key to LIFE, Living In Full Expression.

Jim currently lives in Aldie, VA, just outside Washington, DC, where he continues his writing, speaking and coaching.

To learn more about Jim and his work visit or follow him on Twitter @inspired10

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Comments (12)

  1. Jim, in my own experience, what you said—that taking a step in the direction of our inspiration communicates our commitment to the universe—is absolutely accurate. Limitless Divine Energy is ready and available in service to manifesting our heartfelt dreams and inspirations, but it’s up to us to direct that energy with laser focus—and we do this by demonstrating our commitment through our thoughts, words and actions. Great interview! Thank you for the many pearls of practical wisdom!

  2. Jim…thanks for reminding me that sometimes when the wind blows you in a certain direction, don’t fight the wind, follow it and discover your life’s purpose.

  3. Jim, it was great to meet you this past weekend in Charlottesville. I agree with your statement in the interview that we underestimate ourselves and most of us don’t realize what our potential can be. God has empowered us to do great things if we would just listen and trust Him with our lives.

    1. Jeff, it was great meeting you as well. Thank you for the kind words regarding this interview. If there is one thing I want folks to take away it is that we are all much more magnificent than we allow or believe ourselves to be.

  4. Jim, it was an inspiring interview. How often we fail to trust our ownselves to believe that we have the potential to succeed. It’s true, Often times our own beliefs limit us from reaching our potential than any other limitation that we may have. Thanks for reminding how we have to make those conscious choices to realize and share the gifts that we have. Very inspirational. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

    1. Raji, how wonderful to hear from you. I trust all is well. Thank you so much for your kind words and support. I believe we are all here as a reminder to one another of who we truly are and of what we are capable of creating and experiencing. Blessings…

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