I graciously blossom into my inherent receptive nature and open myself to receiving the goodness of life.
From Women Will Save the World by Absolute Love Publishing.
From Women Will Save the World by Absolute Love Publishing.
Words spoken and unspoken millions of times Actions taken countless times throughout the day Trying at each moment to explain 'Love' As if 'Love' is a concept that can stand on its own The tendency to take concepts that are the embodiment of our soul and our being and trying to explain them as if we can remove ourself from that which by its definition is from within. This is a flaw of Western Logic. The most extraordinary pursuit we as human beings may endeavor during our lives, is to become whole, that is to fully prepare for our spiritual…
I am seeing an alarming trend of people walking through their life anesthetized. Numb. They whittle away their limited hours and days watching others live instead of consciously living their own life. They conveniently view others through the lens of a television screen, computer screen, or even a cell phone. With the push of a button, they fall into a trance of being a voyeur in the life of another and justify this as living. I want to shake them, "Wake up! Do you know how many people are waiting for YOU to fully show up in your life? You…
One of my first really big insights came when I read Fritz Perls' little gem of a book, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. He wrote that simple awareness can often be curative. What a brilliant perspective on life: if only I could become more aware, I might be able to solve a whole lot of my "problems." Shortly thereafter, I heard Eric Hoffer say, "You can never get enough of what you don't really need to make you happy." That one got me thinking about all the "things" I had been focused on and how little they actually mattered once I had created…
Were I to leave an inspirational message for the world upon my departure from this magnificent planet, it would be simple: Pay Attention. By and large, our modern societies have imposed the tools and parameters of our utter distraction: cement jungles of our largely dysfunctional cities, inane and manipulative messages of coercive media, the goings-on of our governments with their hidden agendas, daily distractions of our runaway technologies and their abstract impressions, overlaid upon the tapestries of our richly woven lives as "spiritual beings, having a human experience." Every life is a chalice, which carries the potential to be filled…
We’ve all felt it, walking out of yoga class, looking at the mountains, strolling by the ocean. With our attention mobilized, another dimension opens for us, just as we are, right where we are. Suddenly, we are living in intense present-moment awareness. Life can be difficult, but the light of consciousness can be in us! Everything we need is here inside. With a receptive attention, we can perceive the subtle energy animating us. A sacred energy is coming into us at every instant, just hidden from our usual mind. Recognizing its touch takes us from self-awareness across the threshold into…
- Our true nature lies within us, waiting for us to awaken to its existence. Once we wake up, it’s impossible to look at life the same way.
The real wisdom does not need words or explanation: it is silent. It is always inside of you, and you have to quiet your thoughts to hear it. You don’t even have to try to do anything special to hear The Wisdom. It is your essence; it is natural to you. It is who you are. You just need to be aware of who you really are. You already are everything you want to be. You are perfect, you are the Divine part of the Infinite Whole. Often you are not aware of it. Everything around you is perfect. All…
I believe true happiness must come from within. And in order to “make peace” within ourselves, we must try our best to live in the moment, every moment of the day. Mastering the art of living in the moment takes courage. Having awareness of the fact that most of our thoughts are held captive in the past or anxiously awaiting the future is the first step to freedom. How do we live in the moment? By awakening to the present, clearing away our illusions or the “dust in our eyes” that cloud our ability to see what is real. Here…
I like to look upon life as a magical magnificent mirror of truth and awareness. Everything that I, or you, can consciously observe in others, we have the full ability to observe within ourselves. In our daily lives, we often place judgments, fears or even admiration upon the individuals we come across. Spirit is amazing. (Some call it God, or a "Grand Organized Designer," or even Lord, Christ, whatever it may be that in your truth exists as that higher source of ultimate wisdom.) So, Spirit gives us so many continual experiences and events on a daily basis that bring…
My daughter, Raegan, has taught me much on this intricate journey of ours. She has shown me how to love, believe in God, and detach from my anger, fear, and frustration. Her smile and effervescent spirit is the ideal demonstration of perfection in imperfection—she does not allow her fragile, broken body to dim the brilliant light of her soul. We have learned to embrace our world, taking each day as it comes, thankful and blessed to be together, not allowing fears of the future to interfere with our joy of the present moment. We choose to leave our feelings of…
- When you discover who you are, you don’t buy luxury, you become it.
Wake up! Those two words encompass an entire philosophy of life. According to the ancient seers, we are asleep, dreaming that our day-to-day world is all that is. And that who we are - who we really are - is much more than our familial and societal roles, much more than our occupation, bank account, politics, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation. More than our history as a victim or perpetrator. There's a wonderful little story about Buddha: One of his students asked him, "Are you the messiah?" "No," answered Buddha. "Then are you a healer?" "No," Buddha replied. "Then…
- Wake up: You are the first generation in history that can shift from being the last generation in history, to being the first generation of a brand new phase in history.
- When you know yourself you are empowered. When you accept yourself you are invincible.
- To participate in life we must experience life through our five senses. We must see the world, hear its subtle messages, smell its flavors, taste its sweetness and touch its surface.
What do you pay attention to? As you read this, become aware of how you're attending to these words. Are you distracted or focused? How do you pay attention? Your attention is powerful - full of power. The kind of attention I am talking about is your non-judgmental, welcoming, loving attention. This attention energizes and enlivens all things in your life. Your attention arises from inside you, from that presence we'll call your inner self. What you pay attention to and how you pay attention is how you use your power. When you reclaim your attention, you reclaim your power,…
The body, brain, emotions, thoughts, and surroundings are the playground of energy in our lives. Our playground is often cluttered with non-essential toys and gadgets, words, beliefs, patterns, programs, attitudes, and is often overgrown with these weeds. Because of this, our energy playground needs to be cleared regularly, so that energy is flowing and abundant for the ultimate benefit of the human form. This playground of energy is usually only taken into consideration if or when something is breaking down or not working. By ignoring our energy until there is pain, loss, breakdown, etc., we are ignoring the fabric of…
When I was homeless and struggling with everything from self-esteem to survival, I ignored my intuition and the inspiration it offered. I couldn't believe that some part of me was connected to a wiser source and was trying to guide me. Because I have free will, I could ignore the internal signals. And as long as I did, I suffered. What I learned is that everyone has an internal guidance system. We can get quiet, tune in, and feel our way through life. The more we listen and obey the inner callings, the better life is for each of us…
- Wellness, ease, synchronicity, and tiny miracles are delicious indicators that I’m in tune with myself, my message, my purpose, and my innermost essence.
There is no right or wrong way to live. There is only life, experience, and the wisdom gained through living. But by nature, we are designed to seek comfort, become bored with comfort, seek adventure, and seek comfort again. It keeps us busy, gets us in trouble, helps us procreate (often connected with getting into trouble), and forces us to continue to experience life and gain more wisdom. Most of us tend to learn the hard way, for a while. But sooner or later we begin to catch on and learn what makes us happy, what keeps us safe, what…