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How to be Part of a Better World

As a child, I was struck by how different I felt from everyone. With acute awareness, I felt alien. To be adult is to realise that we have more similarities than differences. We have the same needs, wants, desires, no matter where we happen to be born on this globe. It is through our heart perspective that we link through a smile: a soul connection. We have a choice in every moment... to continue to uphold a ‘them’ and ‘us’ approach to life, focusing on our differences, or to speak through our heart connection, in the language of trust. "A…

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Your Beliefs Can Save Your Life!

When I was 26 years old, a man pointed a gun at my head and shot me four times. I responded with love and compassion, and so today I am alive and well. Had I reacted differently, I would have died that night. What happened? My search for answers has led me to great heights and great depths. I have explored one marvelous topic my whole life: Consciousness. It has kept me fascinated and entertained for decades. When you use awareness to examine awareness, things get slippery. It's like standing between opposing mirrors and seeing an infinite array of selves…

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dr jacob liberman

Agitation is Evolution – Welcome Each Moment

In 2014, my cat had a stroke, rendering her blind and deaf with little memory left. On the advice of my vet, I made the difficult decision to have her euthanized. Her death was one among a sea of losses, which seemed to arrive all at once. That year, due to mounting expenses, I felt compelled to sell my home. This came on the heels of closing my business, which resulted in considerable financial loss. That same year, my literary agent died, and I parted ways with my then romantic partner who’d been by my side for more than a…

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5 Principles for Uncommon Success

Life is not that complicated, in fact it's fairly simple - not always easy - but fairly simple! When I woke up and realized a life full of uncommon success was not just for other people it was for me too, I began to apply these 5 principles into my everyday life. Awareness - If you don't get it, you can't change it. If you don't acknowledge it, you can't fix it. If you don't own it, you can't improve it. We have to take a good hard look in the mirror, acknowledge where we have room for improvement, recognize where…

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Who Owns Your Identity?

Your identity is who you are; however, it is more than your name, address, and social security number. Your true identity of why you are here lies deep in the recesses of your subconscious and spirit. Oftentimes, we identify ourselves by the difficult life experiences, trials, rejections, and obstacles we’ve had to overcome. When we fail to overcome the obstacles, we then begin to look for our identity in other people and possessions. Once we lose our identity, many negative things can fall into our lives by choice, not by chance. So how can you tell if you are a…

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The Beauty of Waking Up

I have already spent half of my years in life. Through this journey, I have been happy and sad. I am sad because I learnt the truths about life a little too late. I wish I had known what I know now a little earlier but on the other hand I also know that humans are full of regrets, what we don’t have always seem to be our greatest desire. Marie Corelli succinctly puts it this way, that “No one is contented in this world, I believe. There is always something left to desire, and the last thing longed for…

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Every FEEEEEEEEEling Is a Choice

Do you see life as filled with challenges?  Problems?  Obstacles?  What if you believe that only because you have been wired and programmed to believe that by your parents, schools, friends, teachers, clergy, etc?  What if you wake up and realize that when you are fully conscious and present and living in the moment for the moment you begin to discover that you can choose every feeeeeeeeeeling? Would you intentionally walk around feeeeeeeeeeeeling problems and choosing sadness and seeing obstacles and problems? I woke up about a decade ago.  I realized that life just IS. There are no good things…

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Heal Your Soul, Heal Your Self

The purpose of life is to align with our I AM, which is to be who we are. Living in a pure I AM state without resistance or opposition is the highest spiritual bliss. When we divert from who we are, we get sick. The illness manifests first in the mentally unaligned thought, then can be felt emotionally, and will finally appear as physical symptoms. The body is the faithful puppy dog for the mind and will always express that something is wrong when the person is choosing to believe things that are not true. The symptoms are helpful messengers…

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The Surest Guide

Do what you love. Trust it. Your passions will lead you where you ultimately want to go. It may get messy in the middle of the journey. At times it may seem you’re in the wrong place altogether. Things may get painful and stormy. But trust your heart. Time and life will prove to you that following its calling is the truest path to your greatest fulfillment and happiness. If you have a dream, a talent, a voice—if you have something inside you that wants to come out, go for it. The only thing holding you back is you. The…

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These Things I Know to be True

What I know to be true is no matter how turbulent the roller coaster of life seems to be, or however many times I swing from one emotional high, to any emotional low, this life is a precious gift of experience I honor and treasure - no matter what form it appears to take. I know that whatever I know is only a point of view based on a past history of experiences, with every single point of view hiding in the minds of all, being equally unique and valid to their past, as similar or as different as it…

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