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Matt Kahn and yoga teacher and sound healer Julie Dittmar invite seekers of all faiths, to discover their true divine nature.

They travel the world, offering sacred heart wisdom that invites human consciousness into the joy of liberated existence. Their offerings span the breadth and depth of all aspects of the human journey, helping you to fully open up to enjoying life as a cosmic playground.

Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, mystic, and intuitive healer. His spontaneous awakening arose out of an out-of-body experience at the age of 8, and his direct experiences with ascended masters and archangels throughout his life.

Using his highly attuned intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, Matt serves as a bridge between the mystical realms and the journey of awakening. Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, unexplainable physical and emotional healings, and have awakened to their true nature through Matt's profound and loving teachings, and transmission of sacred heart wisdom.

Matt and Julie are honored to serve the awakening of humanity through their group healing events and retreats worldwide.

For more information, please visit

These Things I Know to be True

What I know to be true is no matter how turbulent the roller coaster of life seems to be, or however many times I swing from one emotional high, to any emotional low, this life is a precious gift of experience I honor and treasure - no matter what form it appears to take. I know that whatever I know is only a point of view based on a past history of experiences, with every single point of view hiding in the minds of all, being equally unique and valid to their past, as similar or as different as it…

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