When I personally set off to visualize a dream or a goal, I use the letters of my name, G.A.R.C.I.A. as a formula or guide to focus my vision in the area I am pursuing. You might try this with your name.
Go for it.
I visualize my goals. All I have to do is simply recall that as a young boy, I could barely speak English and my education was suffering, and that I worked under the blazing sun for 12-13 hours a day, as a laborer, for 40 cent an hour. I remember that I felt like I was in prison, and in a sense, my own mind was my prison. Although society kept telling me that I’d never amount to anything I kept dreaming. It was then that I told myself, go for it.
Act on your ideas.
Life was not giving me what I wanted. I knew that picking cucumbers and hoeing weeds was not my destiny. I had big ideas and dreams. “Most people fail because they settle for what life has given them, they stop trying.” You have the same sized brain as any successful person… use it.
Reinvent yourself.
In order to become someone you’ve never been, you’ve got to do things you’ve never done. I believe at some point in our lives we have to reinvent ourselves. Each time we are successful, we have continue raising the bar and aim for bigger and better accomplishments.
Commit yourself.
It’s not just enough to say we want something we have to commit ourselves fully towards accomplishing that dream. Not succeeding is not an option. Be advised, it won’t be easy, nothing in life ever is. To be committed means that regardless of the obstacle, we must find a path over it, around it, or under it. When life recently handed me cancer, I had to find a way to beat it. I had to be stronger mentally than I had ever been. I had to educate myself to a cure. I am committed in this fight!
Invest in yourself.
In order to be successful, I needed to master the English language. I had to get rid of my thick ethnic accent. Don’t confuse this with not being proud of my culture, it was not that, but rather, if I was going to succeed, I needed to invest in me and present myself differently.
Absolute faith.
Lastly, if you are going to be a visionary and go down a path no one else has traveled, you will need to have absolute faith. This new path can be scary. What if I fail? What will others think? When I decided to leave home, and the poverty, prejudice and discrimination that I was doomed for, I had to have faith that I’d be successful. Failing was not an option. And so it will be with you. Not just faith, but Absolute faith. You have it in you.
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