Participate in life or it will pass you by.
What does participate mean? It means to reach out and seek everything. Taste every flavor, smell each aroma, see every facet, hear every note and touch every texture.
Life’s a huge smorgasbord, with so much variety that it is impossible to taste everything. Life is also like a big washing machine, churning and mixing all its ingredients all the time. At the smorgasbord or in washing machine, we find people, opportunities, challenges and the failures. It is ultimately up to each of us to decide who or what to choose.
We need to notice the blooms, observe the dimensions and experience the excitement that coincides with the recognition of certain aspects of life that launch us. If we miss all the signposts life will continue without us. Therefore, it is imperative that we reach out for pieces of life as much as we can.
Life is like a high-speed train that does not stop at every station. We must learn to see ahead and anticipate the best time to embark and disembark. Sometimes the train speeds up and becomes a rocket. We can still see the elements of life if we slow down our minds. We also have to survey the land below when the rocket soars. And sometimes it slows down like a passenger ship. There we must ponder our location and determine where we are headed.
To make sense out of it all, we must be sure-footed, we must find the handholds on a cliff, locate the footholds on a bank, and realize when we’ve reached a way out of a canyon or to a summit or through an open field. Each new step represents the kind of participation that we need to nourish our core.
When we open our eyes and allow the world to flow through our senses and touch our inner self, we shall be nurtured by the spirit of life and know what it means to be alive. This avenue represents the bold journey—the one that fulfils our deepest cravings and satisfies our most intense needs.
The journey of life takes us to exotic places. Allow the fragments of each new place to become part of you—part of your values, your enthusiasm and you persona. Like the fragrance of flowers or the earthy smell of the woods, each breath we take joins our spirit with the world.
It is this worldly connection that tells us the level of intimacy we experience with our surroundings. Each time we connect with the world, we set another block in place to create a whole being. We are the children of the universe. To know our place in it provides us with the table of reference that allows us to mobilize and learn how to experience everything.
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