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By B. Lynn Goodwin.

I know I’ve shared a gratitude list here before, but I always think of November as gratitude month. Maybe that’s because it’s the month of Thanksgiving. Or maybe it’s because so much in nature goes dormant, but I get to keep going on.

This used to be the month when my high school actors performed the fall play, sometimes a drama and sometimes a comedy, but never a musical. Later my college students were putting together the student directed one acts in November, working frantically to have them ready to perform during the first two weeks of December. Their efforts culminated in a performance inside while the trees put on a show of their own outside.

Final Burst of Vibrancy

So here are a dozen reasons I’m grateful in November 2012. I’m particularly proud of the fact that I would not have been able to write this list a year ago. It feels good to see how much I’ve changed.

  • I’m grateful I married Richard in February.
  • I’m grateful to have a man who loves me, cares for me, and cares about me in my life. In case any cynics are reading this, yes, that man is Richard.
  • I’m grateful for all the places we’ve gone, the meals we’ve shared, the movies we’ve seen, and the projects Richard and I have shared.
  • I’m grateful that he’s easy-going and easy to talk to.
  • Though I’m terribly sorry we lost Mikko McPuppers, I’m grateful that we adopted his honorary younger brother, Eddie McPuppers aka Edward ScissorPaws. Eddie gives his love and energy freely. Okay, I’m not grateful that he wants to spend time on the recently reupholstered couch, but I’m grateful when I tell him, “Leave it,” and he listens.
    Edward ScissorPaws
  • I’m grateful that Mikko’s safe, happy, and free of his struggles in T-Bone Heaven.
  • I’m grateful for the opportunity to give workshops about You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers and to help interested people with their journaling and writing. Write back if you’d like to hear how that works.
  • I’m grateful for the books that are sent for review and grateful that I can write a balanced review.
  • I’m grateful that I introduced a second contest, Scintillating Starts, at Writer Advice.
  • I’m grateful that the Tri-Valley Branch of the California Writers Club selected my journal photo to use in an upcoming writer’s opportunity.
    The Infamous Blank Page
  • I’m always grateful when I find time to journal, to explore, and to work on my back-burner projects, but I’m also grateful that I have more in my life than writing, projects and other activities that could be construed as work. I’m grateful that I found love and a whole new family after I thought it was too late.
  • I’m grateful that Mikko made me ready to accept human love and the adventures that arise each day when two young seniors open a new chapter in their lives.

My heart is open, and life is good. I’m thankful that love inspires me this fall.

Pumpkin Harvest

What/who inspires you this November? 

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B. Lynn Goodwin is the author of You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers, available on Amazon. Her stories and articles have been published in Voices of Caregivers; Hip Mama; the Oakland Tribune; the Contra Costa Times; the Danville Weekly; Staying Sane When You’re Dieting; Small Press Review; Dramatics Magazine; Career; We Care;, Friction Literary Journal, and The Sun.

A former teacher, she conducts workshops and writes reviews for Story Circle Network and InspireMeToday. She’s working on a YA novel and brainstorming a memoir.

She’s the owner and editor of Writer Advice. Writer Advice recently celebrated its 16th year and runs contests for aspiring and published writers as well as sharing useful tips from experienced writers.

For more information, please visit

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