- Go with the flow, follow your bliss and make your little gems in life.
The #1 Tool for Finding Calm
Trust. It allows you to be present in the here and now, it allows you to face the world with calmness and centeredness. Trust gives you the ability to easily let go and let God. Trust puts you in the zone and allows you to be the channel for the power of the Universe to flow through you, as you. Through Trust you will be supported in every way. The biggest thing that has changed my life has been learning Trust. It's not just about knowing what trust means, or being able to talk about it and explain it. Learning…
Experiencing More Than Just This Reality
Physics says that there is no time and space, we live in a multidimensional universe and that we are all connected through energy. It's a heady concept, but if, for a moment, you stop to think about it, physics is describing a larger world than we are able to see and feel. If there is more out there, and we can experience glimpses of it, then why not believe that people's reports of connecting with angels, seeing the future, being able to know about things beyond our immediate space, is not really far fetched. Our minds may actually be able…