I would share a message for my daughter….
If I don’t wake tomorrow, I want to tell you that no matter what seems to be going on around you right now… Everything is alright. Really.
I have learned, by living, teaching, coaching, listening, practicing and most of all, by loving, that there are three keys that make it possible to be at peace no matter what is going on…
1. Everything you ever suffer from is just a thought.
2. You always have choice and therefore you always have the power.
3. Love is what you are, not something that you get.
You may wish I were here to teach you this now. But strangely enough, that wouldn’t make the difference. I can point. You either test it for yourself or you don’t. If I point in a clear way, maybe it will save you some time. I know it saved me a great deal of suffering. But I also trust there are many ways to learn and I know that there is something in me (and you have it too) that will take your hand and walk you exactly where you need to go. Call it “Life”.
As far as I can tell, Life will simply come through you, and it so compellingly and forcefully wants to Live that resisting it eventually just feels awful. I waited until things felt awful and I’d exhausted every single physical avenue before I truly learned it was possible to thrive, express one’s creative genius, love fully and yes, feel safe – no matter what. From where I stand now, as far as I can tell, there is not a single event, or act, or happening that cannot be ‘handled’ with these three knowings. I couldn’t give you a more precious gift.
My advice? Don’t take my word for it!
All I can say is, try this on for size and notice what happens. Stretch your mind muscles in the place that lies right in-between cause and effect. Notice your thoughts and see where they come from. As you do this, go gently and with zest into your good life. If love is what you are, then what do you want to do, impress or Express?! A good way to start this expression is by taking terribly good care of yourself and your soul. Get selfish about where and how you spend your precious life force.
Know this: my own wondrous, messy, awe-filled life rarely took the turns I planned or the direction I thought. And Thank Goodness. Almost everything I worried about never came true. Most things I never, ever dared to even dream of, did. Life never coddled me, but it has served me beautifully. It will serve you too, as you shake hands and make friends.
Know too, that you don’t have to do anything to deserve to be here. You are here. That is enough. You are loved.
Everything is deeply alright.
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