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6 Straightforward Tips for a Better Life

There will be many people you meet in this life that do not like you; don’t be one of them. Place your concern on the opinion of the person you see most – YOU. You owe it to yourself and the Universe to make peace with whatever is causing you pain. Be kind, forgiving, and patient. Know that you deserve -- and are worthy -- of your own love and respect. When you believe this with every ounce of your being, everything else will fall into place. There is a lot of negativity in this world; don’t let it bring…

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The #1 Way to Succeed: Choose to Create!

Create! When given a choice - and we always are - opt for creating. I love that we have free choice in this world AND choosing out of the realm of creating, to me, is the only place to choose from. Imagine a world where everyone is saying, in essence, "I can't wait to see what I will create next." That is the world I want to create and inspire others to live in with me. In a collective sense, that is the world I know is possible to be in and I deeply feel that we are moving full…

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5 Ideas To Change How You See The World

1. All that really exists is the word YES. The universe is set up on a YES system, so whatever you choose to surround yourself with, you will continue to get more of. The universe just tracks all of your personal expressions and choices in life. There are no throw-away moments. Choose your words, actions and thoughts consciously. Choose your friends, partners and media influences wisely, because everything coming from us, and everything coming at us, profoundly affects our ability to be as intelligent and balanced as we want to be. 2. Change doesn't happen with the snap of your…

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As You Move Through Your Days, Be Gentle

When you open your eyes in the morning, be grateful.  Be still.  Set an intention for the day, repeat a mantra or commit to working on something you struggle with.  Each day, maintain your baby steps towards a better you, to feeling better and reaching for those good feelings and thoughts. Try a little harder, but be loving towards yourself each step of the way. Stop beating yourself up over everything.  Be gentle.  You are a beautiful soul, and your expansion, transformation and self-development are a process. Everything takes time. This physical life is very temporary. It's time to see…

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When the World Tests Your Love, Let Your Love Be a Testament to the World

These words came to me, as many have over the years, in the wee hours of the morning, unbidden, but certainly welcome. I have learned that when I am a receptive channel, all manner of messages pours through. Many years ago, in meditation, I heard echoes of ‘by divine design’. I asked, “What does that mean?” God replied, “You’ll know.” Turns out that it became the name of my multi-faceted business which includes writing, speaking, interfaith ministry, counseling, coaching and editing. It is based on the idea that we are co-creators with Spirit and in that partnership, we can design…

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The Greatest Psychic Insight of the Century!

In the past 35 years of being a Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Medium, and Psychotherapist, I have seen thousands of people with childhood stories ranging from minimal dysfunction to “Why are you still alive?” No matter what my clients’ pasts are, they all have the same repetitive questions to ask me during their readings—“When will I get the job I want?” “When will I find the right romantic love?” When will I have enough money?” “When will my health be better?” “When will I find my passion or purpose in my life?” The answer I inevitably give to them ALL is…

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Every FEEEEEEEEEling Is a Choice

Do you see life as filled with challenges?  Problems?  Obstacles?  What if you believe that only because you have been wired and programmed to believe that by your parents, schools, friends, teachers, clergy, etc?  What if you wake up and realize that when you are fully conscious and present and living in the moment for the moment you begin to discover that you can choose every feeeeeeeeeeling? Would you intentionally walk around feeeeeeeeeeeeling problems and choosing sadness and seeing obstacles and problems? I woke up about a decade ago.  I realized that life just IS. There are no good things…

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Do You Have Passion for The Possible?

On this day of my life I see clearly that we must explore and develop those ways to engender the passion for the possible in our human development while discovering what that "possible" is. In so doing we will discover ways of transcending and transforming the local self so that extraordinary life can arise. There is no question but that a larger life is latent in the human species and that we live only a small part of the life that is given. Thus it will require from those of you who are really serious about making a difference something…

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The Lessons Life Teaches Us

The more I move on in life, the more I realise that not only I am not in control, but that trying to be in control gets in the way of the gifts we are being offered. You might object that getting seriously ill or losing a loved one are far from being gifts. And anyhow, isn’t this fatalistic, resigned to being a puppet at the mercy of the winds? Shouldn't we do our best to avoid the calamities of life and go in search of happiness? I agree of course, and would never advocate suffering for the sake of…

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Inner Brilliance and Reaching our Full Potential

Nearly five years ago, I went through a period of deep self-discovery. I was confused about who I was, where my life was going, and how I could ultimately make an impact. You see, through that process I realized that everyone wants to discover their inner brilliance. And with that inner brilliance, they want to make a difference. They want to make an impact on the world. Personally, I discovered that my purpose in life is to empower other people. And now, for the past several years, I’ve been able to fulfill that purpose through my leadership coaching, writing, and…

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Sink Deeply into Bliss

Sometimes life is hard but it can still be filled with joy and happiness. You may not always get what you think you want, but when you grow older and look back on your life, you will see that you got what you needed. The pieces will begin to slip together in an awe-inspiring manner. While we all strive to find happiness, we must also accept that there is a natural ebb and flow to it and that when we experience hard times, those trials allow us to experience more profound joy. We cannot have one without the other, so…

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Are You Creating the Future You Want?

At this very moment, you are creating your future. Some people believe that life just happens and that there is nothing they can do about it. Don't make this mistake. You will limit the abundance that you are meant to have in your life. There are bad things that happen and there are circumstances that cannot be changed. However, in every situation, you can make choices. If you truly want to live a good, authentic and rewarding life, you have to internalize the fact that it is your daily choices that decide how your life will turn out. Each minute…

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Making the World a Better Place

Understand that YOU were born into this world to make a difference by giving back to others in some way. When you share your gifts with the world, you begin to receive the most amazing gifts in return with a more fulfilled and enriched life. You’ll know when this commitment of giving back feels right because you will truly be living and breathing your own legacy... yes, LIVING your legacy... not leaving it behind when you exit the planet. If you have ever been mentored, guided or coached by someone in any way, you understand the feeling of being supported by…

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Choose Your Own Adventure

From birth to this point in your life, you are an amalgam of your life experiences. They are the events and interactions with others that have defined you, from childhood games of playing house in cardboard boxes to tumultuous adult bedroom alliances. Each scene of your life blends with the others to create your story--or at least the story about you that you've scripted so far. Your story is, in fact, just a story. The beauty of the life you live is that you can redefine or, as I call it, rescript your story any time you want! You are…

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9 Principles for Great Relationships

Love is a choice, attraction isn't. You don't have any more control over who you fall for than you do over gravity. But when the chemical craziness of that first attraction wears off (after days or months or years), you wake up every day, look at the person in your bed and choose to be in love with them. You can choose not to love someone too. Don't be a love victim. Too many folks stay with men and women who are awful for them because they "love" them or because they're afraid of "failing". You have to love yourself…

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10 Steps to a Healthier Life

For many of us, work isn't done when the clock strikes five or when the weekend rolls around. Work is done only when we say it is done because there is always more to explore, unwrap, analyze, sell, make, create, or ponder. That's the issue, at hand, for all of us Type A personalities, hard workers, go-getters, entrepreneurs, and workaholics. The sky's the limit...or put, more succinctly, we're the limit. The problem is, we're not meant to be pushed to a limit. We're meant to ebb and flow. We're meant to honor the two sides of ourselves: the active and…

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What Fear Truly Is

Fear is not your enemy. Fear is your friend. Embrace it, welcome it and push past it to find your true destiny that lies waiting for you on the other side. All growth springs forth from venturing out into the unknown. Out there beyond those fateful frontiers of your perceived limits lives your greatness. The infinite possibilities available to you in life lie waiting for you in unchartered territory. You simply have to choose to embark upon that voyage. To get everything you want in life, you must be willing to do something you have never done and be someone…

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Awaken to Your Precious Life

You are infinitely free, unendingly magnificent, undeterred by fear, overflowing as love itself. Isn’t it amazing? This way of being is available to you right now in this very moment. You can be free of the problems that define you. You can live in peace, ease, and contentment with things as they are. But it won’t happen unless you are ready to be conscious in your life. Consider these life lessons, and put them into practice. Then you can’t help but live the fullest expression of your natural, shining, inherently lovely self. Orient your whole life toward what you love.…

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24 Guidelines for Your Best Life

Each day is a gift so begin and end each day with gratitude. Celebrate the good and more of it will flow to you. Adversity is a part of life. Know that you are not your problems. Instead of getting wrapped up in doom and gloom, change your focus to the life you want to have, not the problems you think are before you, realizing that what's happening around you isn't who you are. Love what is. Our stress often comes from our perception that something is good or bad- not from the circumstance itself. Instead of getting frustrated over…

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Making Happiness An Attainable Goal

Whatever the nature of our problems and difficulties, there is hope for us. No matter how much we feel unhappy, discouraged, and hopeless at the present time, happiness is still within reach. Feeling better, getting better, and staying better is an attainable goal for each and everyone of us. What is important to understand is that happiness is purely internal. It is not something that happens to us, but rather something we ourselves do and determine. You and I relate to everything and everyone on this planet through the mechanism of thought. It is not what is in the world…

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