- Mindfulness and creativity are the two keys to unlocking yourself from your own pain and transforming it into something valuable.
The Art of Seeing the Sky – How to Find Freedom and Compassion
The most fundamental confusion we have is between clouds and skies. When we strive to obtain a specific object or circumstance, we are seeking after a cloud. Even if we find it, it will hold only for a moment – and then it tumbles and evolves, changing endlessly. That is the nature of clouds. When we strive to arrange all the elements of our lives to match our vision of happiness, we are seeking to find a tableau of clouds all put together just right. Finding such a painting is even more difficult than seeking after a single cloud, and…
Letting Your Inner Sun Out
We’ve all felt it, walking out of yoga class, looking at the mountains, strolling by the ocean. With our attention mobilized, another dimension opens for us, just as we are, right where we are. Suddenly, we are living in intense present-moment awareness. Life can be difficult, but the light of consciousness can be in us! Everything we need is here inside. With a receptive attention, we can perceive the subtle energy animating us. A sacred energy is coming into us at every instant, just hidden from our usual mind. Recognizing its touch takes us from self-awareness across the threshold into…
From Survive to Thrive
What matters is living life fearlessly from your authentic self by embracing happiness and love. You have an option in every moment. You can suffer—from worries, stress and anxieties that are woven into the fabric of everyday life—or choose empowerment. Breathe deeply, dance wildly, sing to the sparrows or indulge in hilarious laughter. Take brief respites from your endless list of tasks and drop into stillness. The spacious silence is a profound place to reawaken your intuition, creativity and life force. Instead of reacting from a jumble of emotions, develop inner calmness and shift from survive to thrive! Even in the…
Getting to The Source with Meditation and Mindfulness
The truth that I would like to share with fellow beings is that there is a source of wisdom, joy and peace that anyone can draw upon. That source has nothing to do with the desires of the physical body, or the self-centeredness of the egoic mind. Yet it is to be found within each of us, accessible by simple means and eager to sustain and nourish the part of us that aspires to a loving, compassionate connection with humankind. Source has many names in different spiritual traditions. Some call it spirit, love or the higher self. Its name is…
Allow Today to Unfold as it Should
Embrace what is. Let go of any notion of what should be. You believe in the power of positive thought. You have learned to anchor yourself in the morning. You pray. You meditate when you rise. You do your yoga stretches. You envision the graceful unfolding of your day, a day in which you experience joy and are of service to the world. These are all terrific habits. Sometimes, however, the universe has other things in store. Better yet, sometimes what the universe has planned for us is better than anything we have envisioned for ourselves. Even if what unfolds does not…
Searching for Happiness? Try Living in the Moment
I believe true happiness must come from within. And in order to “make peace” within ourselves, we must try our best to live in the moment, every moment of the day. Mastering the art of living in the moment takes courage. Having awareness of the fact that most of our thoughts are held captive in the past or anxiously awaiting the future is the first step to freedom. How do we live in the moment? By awakening to the present, clearing away our illusions or the “dust in our eyes” that cloud our ability to see what is real. Here…
Life in Turmoil? Look Within
I like to look upon life as a magical magnificent mirror of truth and awareness. Everything that I, or you, can consciously observe in others, we have the full ability to observe within ourselves. In our daily lives, we often place judgments, fears or even admiration upon the individuals we come across. Spirit is amazing. (Some call it God, or a "Grand Organized Designer," or even Lord, Christ, whatever it may be that in your truth exists as that higher source of ultimate wisdom.) So, Spirit gives us so many continual experiences and events on a daily basis that bring…
The Two Keys To Releasing Your Pain
You may not believe it, but you hold your own transformation in your own hands. You can turn darkness into light, turn any issue you have into an asset, convert suffering into wisdom and along the way shine the light for others. You are the ultimate alchemist. Mindfulness and creativity are the two keys to releasing yourself from your own pain and transforming it into something valuable. When you stand back and get some distance from 'the story of your life' and you can then look at it differently and learn from it. Now this is when then magic starts…
Ways You can Choose to be Inspirational
You are not a result of your circumstances, you are a result of your choices. It is not the experiences you are presented with in life that define you, but instead how you deal with them. It is how you grow from them. It not the fact that you have faced difficulties in your life, but instead it is who you become while facing them. You are not a result of your circumstances, you are a result of your choices. In every moment you get the choice to be inspirational. Or not. In every moment you get the choice to…
How You Can Make the Infinite Your Reality
Never underestimate the power of your heart. Be bold. Be daring. Be courageous—shatter the mold. Be your Self. The world needs you. You are Infinite. You know this... yes? You feel it in your bones. Now, make it your reality. Let your Highest Self dance in every mundane and sacred situation. How? By opening yourself to Wholeness, unashamed and unafraid. Your divinity moving into the moment transforms creation, simply through Being. Act like a seal, belly up in the ocean, allowing the nourishing beams of divine light to seep into your skin—it feels amazing! Give your Highest Self permission to…
Why Giving Attention is So Important
Giving others our full attention is such a simple thing, and yet how often do we do it? Whether the person we are with is dying or living, attention is one of the greatest treasures we can give them. It is only when you bring all your senses to bear on whoever or whatever is in front of you that you will know how to proceed. We tend to approach most things with preconceived ideas. We carry forward whatever we noticed on earlier occasions, in the belief that it will be useful this time. There is an unspoken assumption that…
Always Know Your Why
So many people reference survivors and how strong they must be. Yet strength is only part of it. An ability to be mindful, to dance with the full circle of emotions that arise from adversity, to process feelings of discomfort, to lean on another for support and to deeply attune with your own inner-truths are the qualities that make you resilient. In this you can do more than just survive. You can thrive. When you awake, take a moment to quietly experience the space. Open your minds’ eye with the curiosity of a child to see what is available to you. Take…
How You Can Be Mindful, Courageous and Adventurous
Compassion, love, courage, patience, kindness, forgiveness and faith. These are basic tenants found in most philosophies, spiritual practices and religions globally. These are also answers to many of the pains that you may experience. Find out the power of these principles through practice. It seems that there is always an opportunity to express one if not all of these in any given situation. In dealing with hardships, pain or confusion it seems that there are always two roads to take – one of faith and love or one of fear. Having a daily practice of some sort allows for mindfulness…
4 Ways to Slow Down and be Mindful
Slow and steady really does win the race. When we believe that we have all the time in the world, we start living like we have all the time in the world. The more we focus on slowing down rather than speeding up, the more we add time to our lives and we create more space to be and enjoy every moment. What does living like you have all the time in the world look like and how can you begin to create this now? 1. Wake Up In Beauty: When you wake up each morning, do not think of…
Loving-Kindness as a Path to Inner Peace
Many of us spend much of our lives searching for happiness and peace of mind. However, some never find them, and the reason is that they’re looking in all the wrong places. They think they’ll be happy once they acquire a certain amount of material wealth and possessions. While these things can bring us temporary pleasure, they don’t bring us real happiness, or peace of mind. If we want to be happy and at peace, then we need to look somewhere else. A wise prophet once told us many years ago that whatever we sow, so shall we reap. Those…
You are a Child of the Universe
The Nei Jing, a classical Chinese medicine text written several thousands of years ago, states: “Men are born on the Earth, but Life itself is held in the hands of Heaven. When the Qi of Heaven and Earth harmonize, this is called a human being.” In other words, the beautiful material forms of human beings enter this reality filled with life force and Heaven’s unconditional love. Just as sure as you are the child of your mother and father, you are also a child of the Universe, created from this source and connected to it every day and forever. You’re…
8 Ways to Live Compassionately In the Present Moment
If this was my last day on earth, my words to all of you would be is to live with an open, wise and compassionate heart. Please do no harm: to yourself and to all beings. Please recognize the sacredness of life and cherish it. You may want to consider being a vegetarian so you don't contribute to hurting animals. Respect the earth and treat her with care. Live simply. Grow a garden. Walk in the woods. Enjoy your friends and be of service to others. The secret of love is that the more you love others the more you…
Be Yourself and Be Free
If the Truth we all seek, whatever that may be, is to be found at the top of a hill, how can you find the direct route, the clearest path? Know who you are. Live with thought-free awareness. The mind is the source of the suffering blocking your path; only when controlled and quieted can Truth be found. A thought can give you a headache, but does not define who you are. Close the lid, turn off the screens, end the illusion by ceasing to believe in it. Relinquish desire. Demand less; give more. Be content with you as you are…
Just Be… A Timeless Treasure
While mystics, philosophers and seekers of truth have been pondering this for thousands of years... the mystery of life was unceremoniously revealed to me one Saturday afternoon.. What began as an ordinary weekend of classes became extraordinary. An unannounced curriculum change opened our class to a special session. Richard, a third year student skilled at shamanic work, had been selected to take us first year students on a shamanic journey. I was hesitant about visiting “invisible worlds” beyond ordinary reality. The thought of venturing to “Lower World” to meet and receive a gift from our power animal was scary. Suddenly…
How to Achieve Ultimate Success
The ultimate success has nothing to do with money... Or career. It's not the car you drive. The size of your home. The gold and diamonds you collected. The ultimate success has nothing to do with material accomplishment and gain. It has nothing to do with anything outside of you. The ultimate success is to feel joy exactly where you are right now. No matter what your external life looks like. No matter your situation. The ultimate joy is to be complete and whole in this very moment. No matter who you are or where you are or why you…