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How to Love Yourself and Live Your Purpose

You are enough, right now, exactly as you are. You don’t have to do anything to prove your worth. You don’t have to accomplish more, do more, or reach a certain level of success. You don’t have behave perfectly. You are worthy simply because you exist as a human being on this planet. There is room for you and all your messiness and confusion and pain. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all in this together; we are all just walking each other home. Are you confused about your life purpose? You don’t have to figure it…

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Are You Willing to Find Your Greatness?

Greatness lies within each and every one of you. It’s just a matter of how deep you’re willing to dig to find it. There’s an unlimited amount of untapped potential flowing through your heart, your mind and your spirit just waiting to be released, so that you may rise to the next level. You possess talent and skills that you haven’t even begun to discover, because it’s in growth that you will find true enlightenment. It is in growth that we discover unbounded possibilities, but you must be at liberty to grow; free from fear, uncertainty, and worry. Never underestimating…

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Bridget Cameron

How to Be True to You

GRACE Taste the sweet nectar of life, allow it to fill you to the brim. And, let the joy in your heart, walk the landscape of your soul, in the light of wonder, with grace to guide your way... © 2016 Bridget Cameron In a nutshell, just be your authentic self, your true you! You don't have to impress, 'put on airs', diminish yourself to 'fit in', or need others to approve of you. You can spend a lifetime waiting for others to approve of you, and most never will, so don't waste the effort! Be true to you, be…

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Acceptance and Respect – The Keys to Life

It took me a long time to realize that to accept and respect — yourself and others — is the key to a happy life. In going around the country speaking about bullying, it dawned on me that the answer to bullying and many of society’s other ills really come down those two simple things. Having been bullied myself, I didn’t have enough self-respect to counter the taunts of the bullies at my school by walking away feeling good about myself in spite of their insults. And I didn’t accept myself to be okay enough with who I was to…

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3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Life

It's true we live in a time of questionable economic stability, nobody knows where to step or what's coming next. It's also true that without balance, timing, and know-how, surfing is impossible. Realizing that navigating the waves of flux in the economy is as simple as reading the landscape, balancing on an unsteady platform, and timing your market are they keys to success. More millionaires were made during the great depression than during any other time in history. We stand at the forefront of a tremendous opportunity to top that record. But everywhere I look I see opportunities that go…

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dr jacob liberman

Agitation is Evolution – Welcome Each Moment

In 2014, my cat had a stroke, rendering her blind and deaf with little memory left. On the advice of my vet, I made the difficult decision to have her euthanized. Her death was one among a sea of losses, which seemed to arrive all at once. That year, due to mounting expenses, I felt compelled to sell my home. This came on the heels of closing my business, which resulted in considerable financial loss. That same year, my literary agent died, and I parted ways with my then romantic partner who’d been by my side for more than a…

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Happiness is a Choice

Here’s what I know for sure, Happiness Is A Choice. There is so much more we are capable of, and through mindset and beliefs, we have the power to design our life and choose happiness. The hustle of life is filled with people, events, and stimuli, there’s no avoiding it. The weather. Traffic. People at the coffee shop. Eating dinner with the family. Stimuli encountered throughout the day aren’t ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ they’re neutral, and often cannot be controlled. Everyday, we are presented hundreds of situations. The beautiful part is that based on our beliefs, we have total self-power to…

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Finding Your Excellence

Connect to your power core. The center of your greatest power is the conscious, fully present place where you are the best reflection of your truest self. Be still and embrace the you that you are today. Fully acknowledge every dimension of all that is true about who you are created to be in the Earth. That which is true does not become the always is! Be you. Know you. Love you. Get acquainted, agree and align with the divine you. By loving who you are at this very moment, you open the way for the best in you…

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The Essence of Beautiful YOU

You are purposely here for a reason, designed with specific innate gifts and talents only known to you and your creator. You are as unique as a snowflake or fingerprint compared to the other 7 billion souls on this planet as there are no two alike. Our core essence is spiritual energy and YOU are an extension of God/Goddess manifested into physical form. Your personal journey here is to rediscover your magnificence on many levels of Being - creatively, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually - in this “school of life” to become the fullest expression of who you were created…

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Radical Generosity

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” – The Dalai Lama I’ve always thought of myself as a kind person. But in my fourth decade of life, I learned what true kindness is. A brain surgeon had just asked me if I would give my daughter’s vital organs to strangers. Maya, 19, had been declared brain dead and doctors had signed her death certificate. They were preparing to remove the machines keeping her heart pumping and her lungs breathing. I was frozen with grief, paralyzed by anguish I thought I would never outlive. But I heard myself say…

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stacey dorenfeld

Say Yes To Know!

As an adult I am learning to assume and model a healthy way to be there for someone in need. It is not to say that psychologists and counselors have all the answers, but most do have the skills of identifying behaviors and issues that are inherent in a rough patch in my or a close one’s life. Yes, there are consequences to being in a relationship with one who does not want to hear what you have to say or demean your feelings; however, we have to push as hard as we can to diminish the claim of being…

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6 Ways to Value Yourself

Begin with self-value... Value yourself. Value your Self. Your value never changes. You can't increase it and you can't diminish it. Sure, the value of your actions can vary, but the value of who you are never, ever will. Never confuse your actions, possessions and connections with who you are. If you don’t yet know the difference between who you are, and all the things you do and own, it’s time to start on getting to know yourself in a whole new way. Imagine yourself as a song. What is your personal "tone", your personal "sound"? Make it part of everything…

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How to Love Your Body

Amidst all the DOING don’t bypass BEING. There is no rush. There is no need to try to fix anything in this moment. Take a deep breath. Take a second to feel your body. Lean into YOU. Fall in love with the girl you see in the mirror. She is a friend, a lover, a sister, a daughter, a woman. She is all that and more. Your body is just a container of all these special things, the things you cannot see in your reflection. Always remember you have a body. Remember before your body gets loud and you have…

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Ignite Your Universal Light

At times you may feel alone or lost; like you were born at the wrong time, or into the wrong circumstances. As if you are in constant search for a lost ‘something.” That something is the light within you! You may have had a glimpse at the light every now and again and it gives you comfort, like a "coming home" sort of feeling. It stays with you for a time but diminishes as you move along. It comes back to visit and as much as you want it to stay with you, it fades. Maybe you have seen that…

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Rediscovering Your Love of You

We need to make self-love a lifestyle, not just a practice! I truly believe that the root cause of the majority of the challenges and problems that we as humans face is a lack of self-love, self-worth and self-respect. This is the true epidemic that we face at this time in our evolution. The funny thing is, though: we are all born with the natural ability to love, respect and value ourselves. It is not something we need to learn how to do as we grow up - for the most of us it is something we just need to remember.…

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