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I rarely feel a desire to teach other people how to live or love. Why is this? I experience each person I meet as already “being Love”; as already being intelligent, whole, and with the ability to discover for themselves who they are and what life means to them. I find it more meaningful to simply love others, to listen without judgment and to infuse them with so much joy, laughter, tears and passion that we both are left hungering for Life. When we hunger enough, we find our own way.

I believe we are all born fully knowing. It is often only a matter of trusting that we know, trusting that we are already whole. All too often we doubt our born-with intelligence. We give up our power to teachers, gurus and books. We stop listening to our passionate hearts.

Often when we can’t find a reflection in the world of what feel, we let doubt take over, and we abandon ourselves, insights and creativity. I often think of something my father once told me.

“Robin, listen to your heart and always trust it. Remember, if you ever seek confirmation from others about what you feel – people may not be able to see something in you that they’ve never experienced themselves. So if you go by their reaction or ability to see you, you may be limiting yourself. You must trust your heart and be who you are, even if no one sees you. You may have insights that no one has ever had before. That’s why it’s important to trust your heart.”

I can’t give someone something they don’t already have. I can only create a space of love for them to experience who they already are. I would rob another of their birthright, invade their sacredness, and disempower them if I told them that I know “the” truth. All I can say is, “This is my experience, and this is what I’ve observed. This is my story.”

I can only offer the words that Life speaks to me: “Your life awaits you. Have the courage to live it. Dare to take risks. Dare to make mistakes and embrace them with love and compassion. Spend time in solitude so you can hear your precious heart. Get to know yourself and the world around you.”

Life will teach you many things as long as you don’t fill up the void with other people’s beliefs and judgments, other people’s knowledge and wisdom, no matter how well intended, no matter how brilliant. You must still live your own life. You must ultimately experience Life yourself to know who you are. Allow your spirit this freedom and your soul this exploration.

You are more beautiful than a thousand galaxies of stars. Your path is so unique, it is unlike any other. Have faith in yourself. Trust yourself. You do know. You have always known. You are Life itself, discovering itself through all your mistakes and successes.

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Robin Easton is an adventurer. She spent much of her adult life in wild remote areas including, Alaska, Tasmania, Australia and the north woods of Maine, and has traveled to New Zealand, Mexico, Canada, and lived throughout Europe. She is a writer, speaker, musician, and nature photographer.

Robin grew up in beautiful western Maine. Her parents were committed to getting their children away from the TV and into nature. In her book, Naked in Eden, Robin tells how her father got rid of the family TV and took his six kids into the wild. Robin’s father taught her how to camp, hike, handle a canoe, and a bow and arrow. He instilled in her a creative and freethinking way of life, and encouraged her to be adventurous.

At age twenty-five Easton left the USA, walked away from society, and went to live with her husband in the remote Daintree Rainforest of Queensland, Australia. Easton’s true life stories entertain, educate and inspire. In the rainforest, kangaroos, birds and bandicoots befriended her, as her bare feet shared paths with centipedes, leeches and ticks. She learned to handle and identify some of the world’s deadliest snakes.

One of Robin's most remarkable rainforest experiences was the gift of music. During her last year in the rainforests of Australia she began to dream beautiful music. When she returned to the USA she sat at a piano and played as if she'd played for ten years. Although unable to read music, Robin went on to perform live shows.

Robin loves outdoor wild activity, nature photography, playing the flute and piano, singing, and glass fusing. Her story has been told on an award-winning NBC News affiliate piece, Paul Harvey News, KBLA Radio, KSFR and others. She's appeared in magazines and newspapers throughout the U.S. and Canada.

For more information, please visit

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Comments (6)

  1. Robin, this is beautiful, and so enlightened…Yes, I feel the simple illumination of discovering our own paths, our own truth, and expressing it in our own very unique ways….May you adventure onward, dear lovely pathfinder.

  2. Dear LeeAnn Taylor, Thank you so much for your kind words. I have always felt that each soul has something highly unique to offer and teach. It is why it is important that we do not allow ourselves to be put blindly under one blanket truth, wisdom, philosophy, and so on. We all may share our commonalities, but I’ve learned that every person, every being I come in contact with has something very unique and wondrous to teach. It is just a matter of whether I am open or not to the lessons. And although we may learn from others, I also feel it is vitally important that we each dare to discover and live our own truths, truths more often than not learned through life-experirence. One of the most profound experiences of my life was to discover my own intimate relationship with life, even if this relationship changes and grows as both I and Life change and grow. Thank you for sharing, dear LeeAnn. Love, Robin

  3. I wholeheartedly agree Robin, we are born knowing but we get lost along the way and have to be reborn…listening to our heart and soul leads us to where we need to be…life is a continuing process of learning and growing and shinning brighter as we grow…thank you for being you my beautiful Robin and sharing your love so abundantly….it is felt…love and peace Marghanita x

    1. Dearest Marghanita, what a JOY to see you here!! The wise and poetically expressed sentiments you share here go into me like balm. I love how you say, “…we are born knowing…” Just remembering this truth is a major step toward claiming our innate and inherent power. To remember who we really are is an empowering experience. From there, we can begin to listen to our hearts and souls in all situations. I remember the day in the Australian rainforest when I began to “think” with my heart. My whole life changed. To think with heart and soul requires that we take risks, that we sometimes step off into the Great Unknown, that we may not follow the “crowd”, that we may even walk alone at times. But in the end, we DO come to know ourselves.

      And I am the one who thanks YOU, dear friend. You are truly a free, wild spirit, one who repeatedly inspires me. Much love to you. Robin

  4. Very well said. As an inspirational/motivation writer, I commend you for respecting your readers’ intelligence. We are all looking for acceptance as we are. We don’t need to keep having reminders of how we should improve as some in the self help field have a tendency to do. I don’t think it’s being done on purpose -at least I hope not – but I believe that more in this field would find more success if they would be more respectful towards their readers and attendees of their workshops and other programs.

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