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Love first. Always. No matter what.

• Love and follow your heart’s highest dreams to the best of your ability.

• Love your friends and family – even the difficult ones. Hold them as close as you can, even if you live at a distance.

• Love the planet. You live upon it, are fed by it. Every time you hurt it, you hurt yourself and everyone and everything else on it. Every time you care for it, you care for everything on it.

• Learn to love money correctly. Every dollar you earn is a unit of appreciation: you added some kind of value to someone’s life. Be grateful, not greedy.

• Love first. Never put money first – it has no heart.

• Learn to love keeping track of your money every day – what comes in from where, what goes out to where – so you can track trends.

• Learn to love changing your money trends so you can use money for love more efficiently.

• Love integrity: do what you say, or don’t say it.

• Love honesty. Don’t make excuses. Excuses weaken you and make you hate yourself.

• Love your heart’s deepest intentions. Choose only the intentions you love to fulfill. Ditch the ones you don’t. Your heart will soar.

• Love and do what it takes to keep your physical heath. Without it, your mental and emotional health suffer as your body crumbles before your eyes.

• Learn to love receiving help from others. If you are ill or down, remember there really are people who love taking care of you. Allow it. You’re not a burden to everybody.

• Learn to love saying “thank you”, and receive gifts graciously. It is mathematically impossible for everyone to give and no one to receive.

• Learn to love your emotions. Avoid holding them back – when you do, you end up feeling crazy, unloved, imbalanced and hopeless. Your imbalance affects everyone around you.

• Love expressing yourself responsibly: say, “I feel so much __(pain)__ !” Stop making excuses, blaming others, calling others names, or doing violent actions. Express your feelings > the tension disperses > you feel better faster.

• Love and do what it takes to keep your mental health. Without it, you may not know much at all, or, your life can seem painful, hard and impossible.

• Love honing and refining your thoughts. Even in the worst circumstances, make your first thought, “How can I add more love here?”

• Love your opposition. Instead of reacting to someone’s verbal attack, say, “Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I appreciate that.”

• Love yourself. Obviously if you are in danger, get outta there! If not, sit beside your opposer, not across from them, and ask, “How can I or someone help you feel better right now?”

• Learn to love listening with your whole heart, without trying to fix others.

• Learn to love planning with love. Ask yourself, “How will this activity/project impact me and others? How can I make the impact as beneficial as possible?”

• Learn to communicate love. What are you really saying? Is it love?

• Learn to love seeing others’ points of view before you make judgements.

• Learn to love to forgive. Forgiving means to fore-give – love is given before anything else. Yes, it’s hard to forgive sometimes. We are every one of us, however, doing the best we can.

• Learn to love to forgive yourself when you goof. You are not meant to be perfect. You are meant to experience, feel, give, and receive love.

What does Lead with Love really mean?

It means that you consider what your very best self would think, say, do, and want – first – before you take any action.

This way, you conquer both life and death.

Because if you lead with love as you live, your heart will feel content and full.

If you lead with love as you face and walk into the Other Side, your heart will feel content and full.

You will know without a doubt that you are leading and have led the most loving life possible.


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Angela Treat Lyon is the author of too many books to list: see, and She trains people in using EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, holding EFT seminars internationally. (get your free book there). Angela's internet radio show, Daring Dreamer Radio at inspires, supports and offers uncommon resources to you Daring Dreamers (free book there, too).  Angela is also an award-winning, internationally recognized professional illustrator, painter and sculptor, living and working in Hawaii. Her work is in private collections worldwide. See

Comments (17)

  1. Very powerful thoughts to consider. I was especially moved by, “Learn to love your emotions. Avoid holding them back – when you do you end up feeling crazy…”, as well as “You are not meant to be perfect. You are meant to experience, feel, give and receive love”. Truly inspirational.

  2. This takes the idea of love, an often confusing and misused word, to new heights and depths making love more notable than ever because she has made it more applicable than ever.

  3. There are so many gems in this. I want to read it often, letting the points soak in! You, Angela show Love, I believe as it is. Thank you!

  4. Wowzers, Angela! Powerful stuff, indeed..

    What I personally found most useful just now was the idea of Learning to love planning with love. I will be incorporating the question, “How will this activity/project impact me and others? How can I make the impact as beneficial as possible?” as I work on my current project.

    Definitely will be spending more time on your most worthy words of inspiration. Thank you!

  5. Tremendous article! So many different ways to lead with love always. Quite sure I will be returning to this often.So beautiful! Thank you!

  6. Instead of do’s and don’ts, this form of advice works much more for me (and maybe others) because it has a positive tone that don’t stir up resistances and I’ll feel much more inclined to follow those recommendations. Greatly appreciated! Thanks Angela

  7. Rich advice.

    I loved it. Wasn’t surprised at the end to find out you also do EFT.
    Much gratitude for your inspiring share????

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