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Jaffer is a serial entrepreneur who believes that the key to success in life and business is the relationships we engender. He began his business career in the home video industry, launching national campaigns for such videos as The Honeymooners Lost Episodes, The Beatles' A Hard Days Night, and The Superbowl Shuffle. He has been involved with all forms of media since the 80s and is currently the CEO of the media company, Vidsense and the e-commerce company, Jaffer has spent a lifetime integrating his passions for entrepreneurship with spirituality. In addition to his passion for entrepreneurship, he is the author of four books, a Father of 3 boys and is blessed to be married to an angel, also known as his wife Carol.

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Embracing Our Global Family

Anyone who has faced the prospects of leaving one's words for posterity for real instead of a theoretical exercise and survives is blessed beyond words. Sharing the following words becomes a privilege and yes, even a responsibility. There is nothing more certain in my mind than we are all members of the family of Man. Over the years it has become commonplace for leaders all over the globe to obscure the light represented by acknowledging that our family, while at times dysfunctional should be guided by love and never hate. The legacy I would like to survive me is that…

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