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Jessica Amos is a Story Maven + Soul Docent with a strong inner child who prefers you call her Jessa. Jessa was a deeply introspective and empathetic child who often felt alone in her aloneness.

Like many of us she’s had to figure out how to live by keeping her eyes wide open, always looking for clues on how to live. She lost herself for many years between childhood and middle-adulthood, but through the call of her own soul, a good therapist, an honest friend, and stacks of books by others - who were able to put words to what she never could - she started to find herself again.

One of the wisest, most profound pieces of advice Jessa was ever given was that she must learn to stay with herself, so she started a website called Stay with Yourself to help others do the same.

For more information, please visit
Jessica Amos

4 Essential Strategies for Changing Your Life

Be grateful. Gratitude unlocks the doors to your heart and opens your world up in ways previously unimaginable. Gratitude is the stage and the players are joy, peace, love, acceptance, belonging, and compassion. Make time to be grateful and happiness will be your reward. When you find yourself spiraling into thoughts and attitudes of scarcity, stop yourself and think of what you have to be grateful for. Stop spending time wishing things were different and focus on the good things in your life, at this very moment. It is no secret that where our thoughts go our lives go as…

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