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Matthew Catlett is a blessed father, husband, writer, and web developer in southern California. You can learn more about him on his blog, Programming Life, which is focused on spirituality, self-improvement, and inspiration. You can also contact him for web development services through his consulting website, Peripheral Sight.

For more information, please visit
Matthew Catlett

The Art of Seeing the Sky – How to Find Freedom and Compassion

The most fundamental confusion we have is between clouds and skies. When we strive to obtain a specific object or circumstance, we are seeking after a cloud. Even if we find it, it will hold only for a moment – and then it tumbles and evolves, changing endlessly. That is the nature of clouds. When we strive to arrange all the elements of our lives to match our vision of happiness, we are seeking to find a tableau of clouds all put together just right. Finding such a painting is even more difficult than seeking after a single cloud, and…

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Matthew Catlett

The Binary Myth

How can we be happier? The answer seems to lie in self-examination, where you must choose a crafting table. You can choose questions about work. Should you work more or less? Harder or more efficiently? Emphasize relationships or profit? Security or passion? You can choose politics. Patriot or world citizen? Pro-establishment or independent? Democratic or Republican? You can choose sexuality. Married or single? Straight or gay? Male or female? Chaste or promiscuous? You can choose spirituality. Meditation or prayer? Faith or charity? Mysticism or dogma? Enlightenment or salvation? Whatever you choose, you must next judge whether you are right or…

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