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Rosemary Holmes-Gull M.Ed., was in elementary education for 30 years, first as a teacher of young children and later in teacher education.

Now in her retirement she is following her passion to inspire and motivate through her writing. She is the author of "Imagine That: A Picture Book of Possibilities." She donates part of all proceeds from her book to Mothers Without Borders, an organization that works with AIDS orphans in Zambia.

She went to Zambia to work with the orphans in the summer of 2009. She now speaks to local schools and organizations as part of her effort to raise money to build a much needed school for the children in Africa. 

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3 Easy Steps to the Results You Want

I used to be a little insane, just a bit crazy. Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". That was definitely the insane and crazy me. Then I realized if I wanted my results to be different I needed to change my behavior. I learned that three things could change my results, and my life: Desire... You need to really want to change. Commit... Make the commitment to yourself and to really add power commit out loud to someone else. Persist... NEVER give up until you…

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