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TJ is a 12 year old on a huge mission to change the world through music. Since elementary school, TJ has been bullied relentlessly.

About a year ago, TJ decided to take a stand for other kids and make his own campaign called the "Challenge For Change." His goal is to help kids who need to know that change is possible and hope is coming. He challenges his fans daily to make a change, even the smallest gesture such as sitting with someone new at lunch who sits alone, to making a video that raises awareness on a cause that they are passionate about.

TJ is very talented in both breakdancing and rapping, and in November of 2011 he first incorporated both of his passions into the positive message he is trying to send. TJ performed his original anti bullying anthem "We Stand" and talked about his experience with bullies at the NYS youth leadership conference. TJ has made videos to reach out to kids that he can't speak to in person, and has spoken to school districts from kids ranging from elementary all the way to seniors in high school.

TJ story's and his passion to make a difference combined with his talents are something that kids ARE connecting with. His second song "Shine" is about growing up in a household that isn't perfect and not having his father in his life. TJ wanted to make this song for anybody who is suffering from an absentee parent, or anyone who feels like something in their life is holding them back because everyone has the ability to "Shine."

TJ has changed the lives of thousands of people, and is currently working on an original album of inspirational music he wrote.

For more information, please visit

Today’s Brilliance from TJ Prodigy

1 in 6 students are bullied in school on a daily basis. I am one of those kids... or well, I was one of those kids. This year I am being homeschooled, because I couldn't take the bullying that I was going through in school any longer, and my school wouldn't do anything about it. Unfortunately our teachers tell us to speak up and tell an adult when we are being bullied, but what happens when the adults don't listen? I'm only 12 years old but I've learned so much about people in the past few months. I've learned that…

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