We all want to live a life filled with passion, right? What if YOU could live your passion and prosper within it? Wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to live? Just for a moment consider approaching life from a Passionista’s Perspective….
“Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping… waiting… it will stir… and open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us… guides us…passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments.” – Joss Whedon
Passionistas CHOOSE to discover life and live it filled with their heartfelt passions, a deep sense of purpose and well-defined meaning. Being passionately passionate about life is not an accident. It is an adventure and one that can be financially abundant and prosperous with attention and intention.
No two people cope alike. But between navigating my own tough times and helping others find joy, I’ve discovered the amazing, universal power of passion to push us forward when everything we’re facing is trying to knock us down. The next time tragedy strikes, I urge you to become a “passionista”. When you subscribe to this mindset, you make a conscious effort to live fully, using your inner passion to motivate your search for happiness and joy, and to prevent negativity from weighing you down. Cheers to you my fellow “passionistas”, you’ve got it in you to thrive!
I have an exciting event to tell you about – and I am delighted to announce that I will be a featured speaker on an upcoming free program.
My colleague, Aoife O’Leary, has created the Live Your Passion and Prosper Virtual Summit. She has brought together 21 experts – entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, creatives – and has found their secrets to living their passion and prospering – so you can too!
These experts come from areas such as wellness, writing, business, television fashion and more. Find out what their common insights and advice are at this exciting, completely free, one-time event. Click here to sign up.
- Do you want to learn how to break through what has been holding you back from living your passion?
- Do you want to know how to harness your self-confidence so you can really put yourself out there in the world?
- Or maybe you have multiple passions and you want to understand which ones you can best monetize?
Join us at the event to learn become more passionate and prosperous. You won’t want to miss this!
Sign up for Live Your Passion and Prosper here!
With HUGE heart & BIG thanks,
P.S. Here’s the link again!