Do it.
Dare to dream.
Dream big.
Dream the details.
Imagine the day when your dream comes true.
Surround yourself with people who support your dream. In turn, support them in their dreams.
In this way, you will succeed. Be willing to sacrifice, and be willing to walk away from those who criticize or distract. Be generous and loving in your pursuits. Lift others up because you know that your biggest assets in this journey are the love and support of those around you. Let go of anyone who tries to hold you back. Do not judge, and do not allow yourself to be judged. Keep your eyes on the prize. It doesn’t matter whether people understand your intentions. It doesn’t matter if you fail in your first attempts. You will fail in your first attempts. The journey will be full of unexpected turns and amazing adventures. Take time to thoroughly enjoy achievements along the way. The biggest dreams are full of the biggest joys, the deepest disappointments and the most adversity. Through it all, keep an unrelenting focus on your goals.
“Dream” is a verb. It is an act that starts with a single thought. It’s not something that happens to you. It’s not a story you can watch play out on its own. It is not a description of something attained by a privileged few. It’s not a reward for being in the right place at the right time. Dreaming requires your active participation. Plan for success. Structure that single thought in a unique way that describes joy, contentment, peace, happiness and success for you on a very personal level. Nurture and feed that thought so it can grow. Chance opportunities will present themselves, but don’t rely on chance. Rather, be prepared to forge ahead when doors open for you. If you dare to dream, be tenacious in pursuit of that dream. Invest yourself heart and soul.
Even before you reach your goals, you will inspire people to set their own. With every challenge that knocks you down, people will see you as a Luminary when you get back up and soldier on.
If you want to change the world in a positive way, dream with passion.
See the path to the finish line as your life’s journey. And when one dream ends, celebrate and start a new one. Show us how it’s done. Simply, dream. Do it.
What an honor! Thanks for making this dream come true Inspire Me Today!
Wonderful wisdom! Thank you for sharing. Your artwork is amazing too!!
Thank you sincerely Maryann!
I can attest that Debra does indeed DREAM big! I’m fortunate to know her and happy to be included in some of those dreams!
LOL Helen! Let’s hope none of them turn into nightmares!
Needed this, this morning, Debra! I am dreaming big, and with passion, and working toward it. Sagging a bit today, and this lifted me back up.
Thank You!
You are most welcome Susan!
Wonderful piece Debra……enjoyed it! Hope to meet you someday!
That would be wonderful Joyce!
That would be wonderful Joyce!
Great great great! Just printed this to read frequently! Thank you Debra!
Thank you so much Leigh!
I desperately need to start dreaming again. Thank you.
No, thank YOU Maria!
Thank you Neil! Sweet dreams!
[…] Dare to Dream Big! […]
Every want to have own dream. But it can;r figure out exactly. Thanks for your advice.
Sometimes the important thing is to keep on dreaming Sung.
Thank you Debra! Very encouraging
You are so welcome Gab
I am so fortunate to know you! You are truly an inspiration; the sheer number of your artworks prods me to “get on with it”! Your productivity leaves me in the dust. I’m always watching for the next piece. 🖼️
Thanks so much for your kind words Debbie! I feel the same about you! Your talents in fine art, kilt making and life make you a rock star in my eyes!
Well said, Debra. We need to think bigger. We need to dream bigger. We need to allow ourselves to grow bigger than we have ever imagined.
Thanks Amy! And thx for reading!