WOOHOOOOO!!!! Today is our birthday and we’re celebrating!
Happy 2nd Birthday to InspireMeToday.com!
Thank you for your love and support of our site for the past two years. Because of you, we’ve been able to grow and continue to provide you with the best daily inspiration from some of the greatest teachers, mentors and luminaries on the planet. Thank you for helping us inspire the world!
Please join us to celebrate our birthday! The best part about this is YOU get the presents. We’re celebrating by having a week-long birthday contest where YOU have the opportunity to win one of many very cool gifts, generously donated by our luminaries, friends and community members. You’re invited to join the virtual Birthday Party! All you have to do is get involved to have a great chance to win a really cool gift. Please check out the details and join the party! Thanks to our generous supporters for donating the gifts. We love and appreciate you!
Our mission at InspireMeToday.com is to inspire the world. We want everyone to have the opportunity to receive FREE daily inspiration from the greatest minds and hearts in the world. Our celebration this week is all about sharing the love and inspiration with more people. The more you’re able to help, the better chance you have to win one of the fabulous gifts.
Perhaps you have a newsletter that you mail to thousands, or you’re well connected with a large following on Twitter or FaceBook, or maybe you hang with Oprah… ya never know… so we’re asking… How can we reach a greater audience? The continued success of InspireMeToday.com is dependent upon reaching an ever-growing audience. Your help in making that happen will allow us to keep InspireMeToday.com a free site and change the lives of more people every day.
So come on, get creative, share the love and enjoy the virtual birthday cake with us. It’s time to PARTY! Please, go share this with someone right now!!! Feel the love, and pass it on. 🙂
We love you and greatly appreciate your being a part of our community.
It sounds very interesting….I hope I can be part of your community. Everything happens for a good reason in life,this might be a wonderful,new experience for me.
I found advertisement about your 2nd Birthday at Arielle Ford’s newsletter,which I enjoy so very much. I found her web side accidently online. I bought her book and now I enthusiastically await the opportunity to experience love,happiness,fulfilment like never before. She is so inspirational, I am so excited.
Hi Gail,
Congratulations on TWO wonderful years! Your inspiration is rippling through the world–so much to be proud of! Thank you for continuing to bless us with the richness of your message. Cheers to continued success and joy! Rock on!
Hi! Congratulations on two years of inspiring people. I’ve only been here a couple of months but I’ve been so moved by your site already. Thank you so much. And please continue to inspire more people in the years to come =D
Happy 2nd Birthday, Gail. I am blessed & honored we found each other. ;~) You are truly an Earth Angel, shining your Love Light into the Universe. Your generosity, kindness, & love is refreshing, thank you for caring. Compassion & empathy will catch on & spread like wildfire, throughout the whole World!!! We’re at the tipping point… Everyone [please] PAY IT FORWARD! Keep giving of Ourselves, without expectations in return, just because it’s the right thing to do. We ARE all connected. Smile, praise & make someones day! Be positively your Best Highest Divine Self! ♥ Most graciously yours, Janet, AKA impollyanna