- The more synchronicity presents itself in my life, the more in line I am with my goals and desires.
How Can I Align Myself With What I Want?
"I would love to receive some guidance around getting more into vibrational alignment with what it is I want. I know what I want, but I feel there are so many distractions and I am not always doing everything to help me more toward what I want... slipping back into old habits, too much mind activity-mind clutter, and overall feeling a bit overwhelmed at times. I have tried to slow a bit and take some things off my plate so I don't have this mental list of to do's and my daily race against the clock to get things done…
Skillfulness and Subtle Energy – How to Heal and Be Healed
Subtle energy is 95% of our world. If the healer draws on their energy field then their energy gets drained. You often see this when attending conscious type conferences and observe the aged look of many of the practitioners. The objective is to activate the spiritual cord, more so than the ordinary person, so that the energy is drawn from higher vibrational sources. The spiritual cord is developed each incarnation through right thought, right action and right speech. Meditation and having a guide are the ideal ways to develop the spiritual cord because the human tendency is to veer off…
The Vibrational Ladder of Purpose
By Sheevaun Moran. The most common reason women are seeking to better themselves is because they want to live "on purpose". Meaning they want to be in line or working to develop their purpose for being, being here and doing what they are doing. One of the reasons that people are so unhappy in their life is that they are living out of alignment with their purpose. For example, you work as an investment banker and yet you really want to be selling custom furniture where you are the designer of some pieces. This is an actual situation from a…