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The Great Secret of Human Life

The Great Secret of Human Life and Inspiration is becoming a master of thought, action, health and spirituality. This should be a lifelong goal. How do we accomplish this? By overcoming your indulgence and bad habits through dedication and self control. By strengthening your willpower. By transforming your disposition of character. By doing good things and being helpful to all. By respecting the life around you and becoming one with nature. By gaining understanding that all life is connected. By recognizing that thoughts are manifestations and creations. By learning from what the past was and what the future can be…

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What Have You Lost in Constantly ‘Doing’?

In our fast-paced, multi-tasking, on-the-go-deadline driven work, we are often caught up in the act of “doing.” We move from task to task on our to-do list. We rush from work to class to home. We keep pushing ourselves to do more and do it better. But what is the cost? Do you have hobbies? Do you have passions? Or have you lost who you are to all of the things you are doing outside of yourself? Do you sleep well at night? Are you fit? Do you feel good in your body? What is your blood pressure? How is…

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Why Stay Angry?

“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” – Mark Twain What was the last thing that made you angry? The bad driver cutting you off? Your kids not picking up their toys? You were passed over for a promotion? How long did you stay angry? An hour? A day? A week? According to Harvard-trained and published neuroanatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, your anger should only last for ninety seconds. To feel an emotion we need to think a thought which then stimulates an emotional circuit…

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Be Type-ME Stress Relief

Why Are We So Stressed? And What Can We Do About It?

Never in history have we had such comforts and ease of living. Our grocery store shelves are stocked and we can cook a meal in minutes. We can communicate with family and friends around the world instantaneously and face to face. Modern conveniences make our day to day life easy. Then why the heck are we so stressed? The reason is because of this technology, and our limbic brain. I have been preaching this a long time and recently spoke about it.  Now new research by Dr. Marc Schoen, psychologist and faculty member at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medicine, has…

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Turn Your Anger Into Passion

I'm Dallas Jessup and I'm Calling All Heroes Ages 7 to 24: your country and the world need you. I used to think I was unique as a kid who created a non-profit which grew into 43 countries. My photo was on Doritos bags, the big screen at Times Square in New York, and I get to hang out with celebrities but it turns out I'm just one of a thousand kids who are saving the world in a hundred ways and we're seeing thousands of other kids join us on the frontlines of youth activism every month. Have you…

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