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5 Tips to Improve Your Life

#1: A lack of empathy creates most of the world’s problems. When you have empathy for yourself, you’re able to have it for other people. Without empathy, we become products of violence, addiction, deceit, disease, and heartbreak. Everything in life is about relationships – your relationship with yourself, others, and a higher power. The healing and nurturing you do with yourself (often with the help of a trained professional) directly reflects the love you give and receive from others. #2: You create your own reality. If you can see it in your mind, you can create it in physical reality!…

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With Empathy, Together We Fly

I invite you to be kind and listen. Some of you may know this as empathy or compassion, or the concern for what people are feeling and needing. I would invite you to practice the empathic thought..."I wonder what's going on for this person?", or "I wonder how I can be of service to them?" Learn to see empathy as more than just 'swapping shoes'. Empathy is an action plan, a practice where we guess what people are feeling, along with a language where we ask them if they're feeling what we are guessing.  See empathy as an action where we act…

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