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Alina Frank has been consistently rated one of the top Emotional Freedom Techniques coaches since 2009. She serves as Women's Issues forum moderator for the EFT Masters site. She is a trainer of trainers and leads workshops throughout the world focused on the uses and application of EFT and an advanced form of EFT known as Matrix Reimprinting. Alina healed herself of several conditions upon finding EFT online and then went on to establish a private practice teaching others to heal themselves.

She has several published articles on healing in domestic and international publications and is the host of Tapping Into Health, Wealth, and Freedom on WBLQ in NY. Along with her husband Dr. Craig Weiner, DC., she is the co-creator of the popular couples' relationship tools and Alina also donates sessions to Whidbey Care Net, an organization which helps first responders in local communities. 

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Today’s Brilliance from Alina Frank

Reflecting upon the years of my work, I have found one consistent truth: one's emotional state will in no small way determine the quality of one's life, the depth of one's relationships, and the degree of physical well-being that is achieved. Stress is thought of as an amorphous catch-all, and we know it contributes to dysfunction and disease, but the truth is even more potent than that. Emotions are vibrational energy and energy is the source of all creations and manifestations. When we feel guilt about having more money than members of our family, we limit our ability to create…

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