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Al Pittampalli is on a mission to helps organizations transform meetings, make decisions, and coordinate complex teams. His new book, Read This Before Our Next Meeting, was the most popular Kindle book in the world during the week of its release. Now, Al is part of a new generation that brings fresh eyes to stuck business systems.

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When Failure Isn’t An Option

Ever since I was a little kid, this has been my favorite question: "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?" A teacher presented this to me one day in class when I wasn't exactly living up to my full potential. At first, I dismissed it as kids often do, but it stuck with me for days. When I finally directed my full attention to it, I became quite fond of it, and the way it sparked my imagination. As a kid, I thought that question was simply fun, but as an adult I understand its true brilliance…

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