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Bob Stahl, PhD., founded and directs mindfulness-based stress reduction programs in three medical centers in the San Francisco Bay area. A long-time mindfulness practitioner, Bob lived in a Buddhist monastery for 8 1/2 years and has completed MBSR teacher certification at University of Massachusetts Medical Center.

Bob also serves as an Adjunct Senior Teacher for Oasis – the institute for mindfulness-based professional education and innovation of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Bob is a co-author of A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook.

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8 Ways to Live Compassionately In the Present Moment

If this was my last day on earth, my words to all of you would be is to live with an open, wise and compassionate heart. Please do no harm: to yourself and to all beings. Please recognize the sacredness of life and cherish it. You may want to consider being a vegetarian so you don't contribute to hurting animals. Respect the earth and treat her with care. Live simply. Grow a garden. Walk in the woods. Enjoy your friends and be of service to others. The secret of love is that the more you love others the more you…

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