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I work with those who wish to release fear and hesitation, build uplifting relationships, and reclaim their original wisdom and strength. A psychologist in practice for over 25 years, I am a long term Zen practitioner, author and workshop leader. My work integrates East and West and offers information, guidelines and life changing exercises to help you integrate the material in your everyday life. Over the years I have offered over 500 workshops on all aspects of personal and spiritual development, relationship building, and creating authentic peace of mind. My books include Fearless: The 7 Principles of Peace of MindZen and the Art of Falling in Love, The Anger Diet (30 Days to Stress Free Living), Zen Miracles (Finding Peace in An Insane World), and more.

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Today’s Brilliance from Brenda Shoshanna

The greatest gifts I've received from life have come unexpectedly, sometimes during a time of challenge, other times when I'm engrossed in helping another, and often when I'm simply open and grateful for the great banquet life constantly presents. I've learned to let go of expectations of how things will or should turn out. They don't anyway. The more I let go of my demands on life, the more I receive and the more open I am to the incredible beauty that's all around me. A long term practitioner of Zen, I am profoundly grateful for this practice, which helps…

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