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Chris is a certified Firewalk Instructor by Sundoor's Peggy Dylan (she taught Tony Robbins how to firewalk), he's swum with wild dolphins in the Bahamas, bent spoons with The Monroe Institute (have you heard of the CIA "Stargate" program?), and more.

His journey has been a challenging one, too!

In 2009 he made the gut-wrenching decision to leave a comfortable Silicon Valley six-figure corporate job  for the unpredictable path of entrepreneurship and service. One of his greatest joys is creating The Miracles Store.

He is a grateful full-time single father of a very playful, intelligent, curious, and delightful middle-school aged kid.  Chris has also earned a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and even won the National Champion Title for Musical Open Forms Competition.

And while those accomplishments, roles, and labels may all be impressive, that's not why he's here or what he's about.

He's here to serve you.

And together, he believes, we can make the world a better place.

Chris's work is community supported. To learn more, visit his page on Patreon.

For more information, please visit

Today’s Brilliance from Chris Cade

My purpose is to use insight, compassion, and the rapid embodiment of wisdom to enable millions of people to experience inner peace, joy, and abundance. What's yours? If you can't answer in a single sentence, now is the time to get clear about exactly why you're on this planet. Frequently we go through life unsure, or even worse, unaware of our purpose. Yes, we have hunches. Rarely though, do we clarify our purpose so that it can be communicated in a single statement. This is what I encourage you to do. Clearly defining your purpose makes all the difference. You…

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