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El Haji Nero is the president and CEO of El Nero Business Hub, Inc. A company that creates opportunities for business owners, independent consultants, professionals, entrepreneurs, and others to share ideas, collaborate and network while providing a platform for business consulting, business training's, business coaching and business certification program. He also manages his own “unfranchise” business at, an ultimate online shopping destination where customers earn rewards for shopping, in what is known as a “mall without walls”.

Nero is a member of the National Writers Association, Fowler International Academy of Professionals and Toast Masters Club.He is a PMI Certified Associate in Project Management, courtesy of the Project Management Institute, and is a Certified Artist Developer (CAD) for Conquer Entertainment. He is currently pursuing his Bachelor in Project Management at the University of Texas at Austin. Nero has extensive experience in project management, complementing his solid background in leadership, motivational speaking, and self-development.

Having spent several years studying self - improvement and personal development techniques, Nero has written several articles on self-improvement that were published in several widely-read publications, and he was once reprimanded for being ''too creative.” Now, he is on a mission to help others to stop waiting and to start creating a career by designing the life they want using his first self improvement book Destined To Win In The Game of Life.

For more information, please visit

9 Wisdom Keys for Creating Possibility

Growing up, I always asked why people do the things they do, to learn their mindset. Your mindset creates your moods, attitudes and habits. I developed the following nine wisdom keys for feeding your mindset with possibilities & positiveness. 1. If you reveal who you truly are, you will attract the people who will most complement your life. Life is short and unpredictable. Don't waste another minute on the people, places and things that don’t make you happy. You are the one thing you cannot run away from, no matter what your passion, vision or inner talent is. Don’t worry about what…

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