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Avatar photo brings you the best of the best inspiration from people like Sir Richard Branson, Jack Canfield, Debbie Ford and more. Each day we ask our Luminary to answer, "If you only had 500 words to share, what wisdom would you want to pass on to humanity? What have you learned that matters, and what doesn't?" We share their wisdom and more for FREE to help you live an inspired life, each and every day!

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Happy Birthday to and YOU Get the Presents!

WOOHOOOOO!!!! Today is our birthday and we're celebrating! Happy 2nd Birthday to! Thank you for your love and support of our site for the past two years. Because of you, we've been able to grow and continue to provide you with the best daily inspiration from some of the greatest teachers, mentors and luminaries on the planet. Thank you for helping us inspire the world! Please join us to celebrate our birthday! The best part about this is YOU get the presents. We're celebrating by having a week-long birthday contest where YOU have the opportunity to win one of…

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On the Wings of Desire

We hope you enjoy this guest post from Perry Hicks! Most of what we think we need can really be resolved down to one thing: Love. Blind to the lush garden of affection all around us, too many wander alone, thirsting as if they we were in the midst of a barren desert. Succombing to our fears, love becomes as elusive as a mirage shimmering on the horizon; a destination to be despaired of ever attaining. The truth is that we need not trudge on through a life of emotional desolation. Love does always find a way. Furthermore, it will…

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We Need YOUR Help to Improve

To our community, Thank you for your response to our survey a few weeks ago. We've taken your comments into consideration and you'll be seeing some changes and improvements to your site very soon. Yes, I called it "your" site, because that's how we see We're here for YOU. This inspiration is for you. We're here to make your day rock and be the support that you need to not only make it through the day, but to thrive in whatever you choose in life. We asked, you answered and we're listening. Many of you told us you felt…

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Happy Birthday to Inspire Me Today!

Today, is celebrating our first birthday! Woohooo!!! To those of you who have been with us from the beginning, thank you! To those that have joined us along the way, thank you! Our website couldn't be the success it is without the love and support of our Inspirational Luminaries and YOU, our community members. The last year has been filled with growth and change.  The original vision of the site has remained the same.- to present a different Inspirational Luminary each day to inspire us to recognize the magnificence that we are. However, time revealed some necessary changes to…

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