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My name is Jessica Bacon and I am 15 years old. I am entering my sophomore year of high School, enrolled in the maximum amount of courses as well as many clubs. As a long time Girl Scout since Kindergarten, I've earned the Bronze and Silver Awards and is in the beginning stages of earning my Gold award. I am an avid reader, and earned high honors through most of my grade school years. I have been interested in severe weather for as long as I can remember and attempted to earn my way into a career at 11 years old, although I was 14 until I finally found my way. I live and breathe meteorology! When I was in 8th grade, my mother found a program sponsored by the Girl Scouts, and that's how I met Eddy Weiss from Chasing4Life.

Also while in 8th grade, I travelled to Denver, Colorado to experience ChaserCon, the national Storm Chaser Conference. The convention provided 2 full days of seminars, and I took copious notes and devoured the information presented. This is where I learned the basics of how to forecast for tornados, and I seemed to have a knack for it. This "knack" was tested in 2011 when I was called on by Chasing4Life to work as a storm tracker for the Chasing4Life Tracking Center. This involvement had me tracking severe weather for fire departments, emergency management agencies, festivals, disaster response deployments and more! I proved not only to be accurate, but was responsible for saving many lives throughout a year of historic severe weather.
I am now a full-fledged uniformed member of not only the Chasing4Life instructional team, but also is a Lead Tracker/Forecaster for the Chasing4Life Disaster Response Team.

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Today’s Brilliance from Jessica Bacon

Wisdom is knowing how to appropriately use the knowledge you have already acquired, but to pass on what I've learned in five hundred words is a challenge. As a incoming Sophomore in high school, I have seen how many children and young adults act under today's pressured society. Many have caved into peer pressure wanting to be seen and popular, yet afraid to walk down the hallway without being judged. So many are afraid to show what true talents and works of art they can be associated with, but too weary of how they may be reflected back by their…

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