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Dr. Joy Pedersen is the Founder and President of Express Success, which she formed during her ten-year career in Hollywood. While working on TV shows such as “Cheers,” “Taxi,” “Mork & Mindy,” and “Happy Days,” she wanted to help people who were struggling succeed quicker and easier. Discovering everyone had some sort of block in one area of life or another, she discovered spiritual healing to remove those blocks. She then became a Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, Doctor of Divinity and began sharing her intuitive gifts with an international clientele over the phone or Skype.

She works closely with individuals and businesses to identify and release the cause of their challenges with money, relationships, career, business, health and well being.

Her #1 International Best Seller, Clear Your Past and Change Your Future speaks to her work with Archangel Michael, which began in 20014. At the time he asked herJ to author his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures From Archangel Michael to Change Your Life. She has also been a contributing author to a number of other books. You may also find messages she receives and shares from God, angels and others at She also offers a free private membership group on Facebook called “Help from Heaven.”

For more information, please visit

Recent Releases


Live Your Truth, Fulfill Your Purpose

Are you living your truth or someone else’s? You are unique. You were created to live in this world, at this time. You were not created to become someone of someone else’s idea. You were created to fulfill a particular purpose unique to you for this period in time. Those of you living under the preferences of others are sacrificing who you are, who you were meant to be, and what you were meant to do. Knowing your purpose for this lifetime, you received inspiration to lead you to explore and gain the knowledge and expertise necessary to fulfill that purpose…

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