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Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., is a natural health care practitioner who has transformed thousands of lives over the past thirty years. He has integrated ancient Chinese energy techniques with cutting-edge nutritional science in his innovative Electromagnetic Muscle Testing system (EMT). His newest book, WHOLE HEALTH: A Holistic Approach to Healing for the 21st Century (Tarcher / Penguin) is available now.

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You Are More Than You Think You Are

Each and every day we pass through our lives with profoundly limited appreciation for our true quantum potential. Beneath the material illusion of our cellular protoplasm, and ever shifting personality, lies an infinite universe of unseen energy. Nearly a hundred years ago we awarded Einstein a Nobel Prize for teaching us that energy and matter are inter-convertible and transferable, yet, nearly a hundred years later, we remain trapped in a Newtonian illusion. Our cultural reality is based on a mechanistic chemistry that is simply not adequate for understanding the phenomena of energy. While you and I have been conditioned to…

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