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Sandi Lilly is a freelance writer with five years of on and offline experience. She has been published in B2B Magazine, the Main ARTery Magazine and has written multiple articles for and She works from her home in West Virginia while homeschooling her two children.

Six Books Sure to Inspire You

Sometimes, life just gets you down. Whether you're a mom dealing with the drudgery of wiping noses and serving snacks; an artist who doesn't know quite where to turn; or someone trying to learn how to break free of depression, anxiety, or grief, it may be time to seek out an inspirational author for some wise advice. I've compiled a list of books that are sure to inspire you, and reviewed them so you can choose the one that's right for your individual situation. One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are Ann Voskamp In this…

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