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Stephen produced films such as Somewhere in Time and What Dreams Come, directed Conversations with God and Indigo, and co-founded The Spiritual Cinema Circle. To read more from Stephen, please visit

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Good Manners Are NOT A Sign of Weakness!

By Stephen Simon. A few days ago, my wife Lauren wrote a wonderful blog about the disappearance of manners that really resonated with me. Her blog focused on the lost art of writing handwritten "thank you" notes for gifts, rather than just taking the easy email route, which in turn got me thinking about the loss of manners in movie theaters and  almost everywhere we turn. The "me" years seem to be signaling that common courtesy, admitting mistakes,  and polite behavior are not only no longer necessary, but are actually "corny" or, even worse, a sign of weakness. Recently, I…

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Something Beautiful This Way Comes

By Stephen Simon. While I was waiting in line at the post office, a wonderful gentleman and I exchanged "Good mornings" to each other. When I asked him how he was, he answered "Well, I'm 90 years old today, young fella, so I would say I'm doing pretty great." At 65, no one has called me "young fella" in a long, long time, so, obviously he made my day and I told him so. "Congratulations", I said. "I'm 65 so you're actually old enough to be my father, right?" Smiling slyly, he responded with a wink. "Nah...I was always way…

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The Tree of Life: Like None Other

By Stephen Simon. As my first post here on Inspire Me Today, I highlight my favorite film so far in 2011. When I was 22 years old, the last 15 minutes of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey introduced me to a cinematic concept of the vast wonder of the cycle of life and death that I had never even imagined before. At that time, I thought no one would ever again attain that kind of symbolic representation of spirituality on film. And then I  saw The Tree of Life, which is so mind-bogglingly original and breathtaking that it truly…

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