- Dive into the heart of God. Bathe in the refreshing, healing pool of God’s love, and absorb the radiant, healing rays of God’s light.
The Peace Within You
Here am I, my beloved child. Come near to me and hear my words, for I am with you, and I love you. I am right here, right now. I am here within you, and all around you. There is no place where I am not. For I am everywhere present. I am within your heart of hearts. I am the breath that you breathe. I am the blood rushing though your veins. I am the very life itself, which gives you life. I am always here, at the heart of your being. I am your heartbeat. I am the…
Just Getting Started
Okay, call me an optimist, but at age 60, I am just getting started. I still have much to learn. However, as I look back, my most important learning has come through my spiritual experiences. At age 19, I first learned meditation. I spent 22 years in the ashram (residential learning facility) with famous spiritual master from India, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, guru of the Beatles and of Deepak Chopra. And I spent another 20 years studying and teaching New Thought. When I was under the tutelage of Maharishi, I used to meditate from 5 to 20 hours per day. I…