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TJ Woodward is a spiritual author, inspirational speaker, awakening coach
and addiction counselor who has helped countless people transform their
lives through his profound, yet simple teachings.

He is the founding minister of Awakened Living, is in private practice as
an awakening coach, and also works as the spiritual counselor and group
facilitator at Foundations San Francisco Intensive Outpatient treatment

In addition, TJ is the host of Awakened Living TV and Awakened Living
Radio, and is the author of the book, Conscious BEING: Awakening to Your
True Nature.

For more information, please visit

The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness allows us to be fully present in this moment, right here, right now. Forgiveness enables us to wholeheartedly embrace what is and to be at peace with our past and fully engaged with the present. Making peace with our past is the most immediate way we can experience the abundance that is our birthright. Without forgiveness there is always something pulling us out of alignment with ourselves and with life; it is an energy drain in our system. Until we have made perfect peace with all that has occurred in our life, and with all the people who have…

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