By Lisa Cypers Kamen.

Focusing on now means that you focus on what is happening in the present. You can’t change what happened yesterday and you don’t know what tomorrow will bring so focus on what is happening right now. Focusing on now means that you focus on what is happening in the present. You can’t change what happened yesterday and you don’t know what tomorrow will bring so focus on what is happening right now.
Remember too that you can’t fix what happened yesterday and you can’t fix anything that may happen tomorrow. It’s all about now- you can fix everything right now. The things that happened yesterday and what is yet going to happen tomorrow can’t be changed. It’s all about focusing on the present.
If you are focusing on the past, including past mistakes or past hurts, you are going to bring lots of negative feelings to the present. What about your future? If you are looking at things you’d like to accomplish someday, then you are missing out on the joy of the present and all the moments you can experience right now!
To stay focused on now, think of the following statements:
- What you can do now.
- What you can say now.
- How you are feeling right now.
- What you want to happen in your life now.
- What you believe now.
Remember that this all starts with you! You can choose to focus on the present and bring happiness into your life. It can be as easy as you want it to be.
Lisa Cypers Kamen is a filmmaker, positive psychology coach, author, host of Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio, professor and lecturer specializing in the field of sustainable happiness. She is widely recognized as an expert on the subject. Lisa’s acclaimed documentary film co-produced with her now fifteen year-old daughter, Kayla, “H-Factor…Where is your heart?” explores how people in varied circumstances find, generate and share happiness. In addition to her film on happiness, Lisa has also published a number of articles and books entitled, Got Happiness Now?, Are We Happy Yet?, Leadership: Helping Others to Succeed and Reintegration Strategies, about combat trauma and using positive psychology principles to create wellness in a post-war new normal. Lisa’s written work is featured on blogs for the Huffington Post, and and she is a TEDx community event speaker. In addition, she is the Happiness Expert for the Florida Department of Citrus/ Florida Orange Juice in its Take on the Day campaign.
Harvesting Happiness for Heroes™ is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that delivers stigma-free integrated combat trauma recovery services to warriors and their loved ones. Modalities include scientifically proven strengths based Positive Psychology coaching and interdisciplinary tools such as film, yoga, meditation, art and creative writing designed to mindfully empower the client to achieve increased self-mastery, self-esteem and reclaim her/his life. HH4Heroes focuses on the balance of mind, body and emotion resulting in greater overall wellbeing and the transformation of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) into Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG). HH4Heroes offers retreat workshops, one-on-one coaching, Battle Buddy programs, as well as our new R.E.B.O.O.T Online virtual community coaching classrooms designed to reach underserved areas. In addition, HH4Heroes deploys Return to Duty™ civilian and corporate training to help welcome a warrior home and into the community and workplace.
Lisa is committed to teaching Happiness is an inside job™ and helping others end their needless suffering through intentionally cultivating greater joy.
Hi Lisa Your words of wisdom is a true beauty, you made me stuck in the chair for more than Two hours keep on reading and realizing and reading ….. never ending. I am speechless after i finish reading your eBook No No I haven’t finish it yet may be i finish it in a few days. It is magnificent I am a public speaker I analyze all the inspiration every day and then only write the comments. I don’t believe reading is everything, Its important to use them in everyday life also you should help others to understand it. In that sense I should read again and again to take in every thing and helpful for me as well as others. you also helping others which is wonderful. I politely ask all the readers to open the eBook and read it. Thank you very much for this spectacular Gift and my heartfelt blessings.
Dear Arulampalam,
Thank you for your kind words. What I love about this forum is the exchange of ideas and the opportunity to touch one another. This is a huge part of my happiness. Where do you live? What kind of public speaking do you do?
With heartfelt gratitude and best wishes,
I am very please to see your reply. My speach is always about spiritulity, I live vrey near to London. I have made more than 10 speaches I am continuely growing. Last year i made a wonderful spech about NEW YEAS RESULATION few days after New years day. Although the speach is about New years resolution I twist it beautifuly to THOUGHTS ARE THINGS and when you make a resouution Choose it wisely. It was a mind blowing presentation. I was honerd by everybody. Now i am trying to estblished a meditation, yoga class and looking all the ways to improve. I need a web site and i honor your blessings. I shall give my Ideas may be next week, Thanks and my blessings.
Hi, Lisa! Thanks for your post. I was reminded of the ancient wisdom and their modern interpretations, with the likes of Eckhart Tolle. Focusing on the Now is difficult process for most of us. In my case, I couldn’t force my mind not to pop up negative thoughts. My spiritual teacher says its just part of being human. I agree. It’s ok. Like most paradoxes, wisdom is how to see with equanimity everything that bothers us. You have mentioned about thinking a list of things, and I’ve been working on them. and I am more reminded when I focus on my breath. My breath is the only true now, the source of my Life. And Life is just Love living out everyday. That’s an effective pop-up blocker of negative thoughts. Breathing is simply minding the now. =) Thank you and much blessings of Love!