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By Brad Morris.

A Vision Quest is a turning point or right of passage for One to find themselves, their Spiritual direction or path in Life.

And I tell yah, my life has been a non-stop, action packed, Vision Quest adventure these last 8+ years!  I have been on a conquest to face my fears, know Myself and share my ultimate gifts with the world. Through walking my path clumsily in the darkness of the unknown, I have slipped, fell, hurt myself and got up again and again. I have fallen to my knees in tears, praying for an answer, asking to be shown the Truth and begging for guidance so many times. I have gotten angry at Life when times got tougher than I thought I could handle and I have laughed ’til I cried those times that the answers just ‘POOF’ – magically appeared.

This entire process has been a journey of remembering. Remembering that Life loves me, I love life and that my greatest gift to Humanity is not in what I do, but in Who I Am and how I show up in each moment. Who I am now has nothing to do with who I have been and who I will become has everything to do with who I am Being right in this very moment and in all moments. I live my life in the radical divide between my Future and Past selves.

Life is a labyrinth of distractions, temptations and possibilities, right? And in Truth, there are no wrong choices. There are only choices that will make us happy and choices that will make us unhappy. The trickiest part of this maze that goes round and round is that everyone wants to give us directions, tell us where to go and what to do. Unfortunately nobody in the Universe knows you, your Heart, your purpose and your calling like YOU do.

Lily Pond

It is up to you to meditate and pray everyday. It is up to you to ask the questions that will open your mind to the answers. It is up to you to laugh, cry, forgive and do the work… nobody else can do it but you. That’s why this is YOUR Vision Quest.

Treating everyday like a gift to be celebrated has helped me to stay positive, optimistic and hopeful. It has also lifted me above my old Victim mentality and transformed me into a Powerful Creator of my experiences. Even though I don’t control all the things that happen, I am always in control of how I feel and how I deal with all situations.

It doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it’s SO FUN when we do the things we know we need to in order to be our happiest, healthiest, high-vibing selves. The world needs YOU, my friend. It needs more conscious, awakened Leaders who have the brilliance, grounded perspective, intuition and Heart that you, me and so many others like us have on this planet. Our challenges have all served a purpose up to this point and without them we wouldn’t be who we are and we wouldn’t be able to relate or give what we’re here to share.

Just like every cell plays a crucial role in creating wholeness within your body, every single one of us has a role in restoring balance, harmony and love with the Earth and within the Human Spirit. And from my experience, our daily practices and habits of coming back to ourselves, celebrating Life and doing what makes us come Alive is the biggest blessing we can give the world.

I honor your courage to walk your path with enthusiasm!

Leave a comment to be entered to win a FREE copy of Brad’s new program, The Cowabunga Vision Quest, valued at $108! Winner will be chosen at random from all commenters on this post made by Monday, February 18th, 2013 at 10am Pacific and will be contacted by email.

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I help creative, entrepreneurial, freedom-seekers who are on a seriously awesome mission to share their gifts, serve the world and build a meaningful business that aligns with their passions to get clear, intentional & focused so they can create what they actually want in life.

I have consciously crafted my freedom lifestyle to align with everything I love most. I live in paradise on a small island with my wife and I am actively pursuing my life-long dream of playing professional golf. The way I fund my lifestyle is by creating transformatonial eCourses which have reached people in 27+ countries, producing comedy + music marketing videos with my best friends in my home studio and by coaching leaders and world-changers to rock their gifts and (#GSD) Get Shit Done while having fun!

For more information, please visit

Comments (2)

  1. Brad, you are authentic love for a life of peace and purpose.
    Your joy is contageous; thank you for sharing it.

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